Chapter 6

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⚠️This chapter has mentions of abuse/and or self harm. Could also include triggering subjects. Read with caution.⚠️

"Hello? Where am I? Where's everyone else?"

Chapter 6: Introducing Someone New
     "Who are you? Where am I? Where are you? I have so many questions."
     "ㄖ卄 卄ㄖ几乇ㄚ. Do you not remember me?" A familiar figure stepped out of the shadows.
     "Why....why are you here? I though I left you behind. I thought I went far, far away from you. You shouldn't have been able to find me. You should be in jail!" I declared.
     "Oh Laura. In jail? Just like your father? Oh please. My body may be there but my minds free to go where ever I would like. Here just happens to be one of those places."
     "Leave me alone Leandro. And where exactly is this here your talking about. Where are we?"
"Sweetheart, your not even going to call me by our pet names? How sad. I thought you still loved me. We're in your mind Laura. I'm only here because you keep thinking about me. You didn't even think you could esca-"
"Shut up!" I cut him off. "Leave me alone. I don't love you anymore! Leave me the fuck alone. I don't want to deal with you, nor do I need you here right now. I've got enough bullshit to deal with."
He laughed his maniacal laugh. "What is it? A boy? You've moved on already? Pathetic. Just like when you cheated on me," his tone got more angry with every word.
"I never cheated on you. That was Lacey's doing. All I did was go out to dinner with Tyrece. We just talked. Tyrece doesn't like me that way and I don't like him," I spoke as he slowly walked closer.
I could hear Leo's footsteps across the cold, metal floor. Darkness surrounded us besides a small light hanging from the ceiling.
"Like I said before, leave me the hell alone!" I screamed. Nothing seemed to be working. All he did was walk closer with this stupid smirk on his face. I couldn't believe I used to love this monster. This psycho of a human being.
"You can leave this place anytime you want to. It's your mind after all. You just don't want to. You wanna stay here with me."
"No. No I don't. I want to go back to my friends. I want to go back to the people that love me. I don't want to be here with you. Your a monster. A fucking monster. Now get the hell away from me," I pleaded.
I couldn't back up anymore as my back hit a wall. Leoandro kept coming closer and closer. Right as his hand reached out to touch my cheek, I shut my eyes.

I sat up quickly, my breaths were short and i was close to hyperventilating. It felt like I spent days in that prison, but in reality it had on been an hour or two. I thought about going outside once again like last night but what if Ryan was there. With that nightmare I just had, there was no way I was going to be able to see him. I had an overall bad feeling after that dream. One that I couldn't shake away. But I figure it was nothing. I'm probably just overreacting after all. Everything will be okay in the morning. Right?

     After another hour or two I managed to fall asleep once again. I ended up being shaken awake by Marcie and Tyrece just like yesterday. Apparently they had already taken most of the stuff back to the car and were waiting for me to get up so we could leave. Not wanting to cause any more trouble, I quickly pulled myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I washed up pretty fast and gathered all my things, shoving stuff into my suitcase and backpack.
"Alrighty, I'm ready to go," I spoke.
Marcie just laughed and helped me carry my backpack as Tyrece just followed behind.
We got in the car and sat in our normal seats as usual. I got comfy in the back seat with my pillows and blankets. Another hour or two long car ride to go. I swear I saw something, or rather someone, shady standing near the edge of the woods beside the hotel as we drove off. But that was probably my imagination. Right?
The first 30 minutes of the ride was rather spontaneous. We had another karaoke session with panic at the disco songs. An hour in an I started to text jack. Well, rather he started to text me first asking to play a game of 20 questions because he was bored. It went pretty well. Apparently jacks middle name was Evan. I didn't know that so now I've got a nickname that will probably piss him off. 30 minutes later, we were sitting in traffic and I was close to dozing off before Tyrece insited we play I-Spy. I unwillingly agreed and played along. Luckily for me traffic cleared up and we got home sooner rather than later. 30 minutes of I-Spy was not my cup of tea. Although it was only 1 pm, I was exhausted from the car ride. That's just how I am, any type of car ride makes me super tired.
     "So, what are we going to do now? I've run out of ideas," Marcie was the first to say.
     We all sat on the couch without a clue on what to do.
     "Uhhh, we could take an hours nap or something?" I sleepily said.
     "Your not getting away with that this time."
     "Ughhhhh, why. I'm tired!"
     "To bad Laura, your playing video games with me," Marcie demanded.
     Unfortunately my weakness was games at the moment, especially video games. I was a sucker for a good battle royale or first person shooter game.
     "So, what are we playing?" I perked, immediately sitting up in my seat. "Overwatch? Fortnite? COD?"
     "Overwatch obviously. I need to level up."
     So we spent the next few hours playing video games. Since Tyrece and Marcie were planning on moving in soon, they set up their consoles and stuff at my house.
     After deciding to take a break, we all collectively came up with the idea of starting to move stuff in. We had a ton of hours to spare after all.

After setting things up

"Damn I'm exhausted," I sighed.
"Same," Marcie said, dragging out the 'e'.
"I know this isn't the best time to start with this but I gotta tell you guys about something. Well rather someone."
"Hm? What is it?" Tyrece asked.
"Well, it's about times long ago. And this guy that I used to know. His name was Leandro."

Sorry for the a bit shorter chapter. I've been super busy.

1151 words

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