Chapter 4

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     Just as I was about to speak, the lights dimmed and AJR came out onto the stage. They stood up in the middle of the stage and started to say a speech.
     "I'll tell you guys later!" I shouted over the hundreds of people shouting.
     This night, was about to be amazing.

Chapter 4: Well Shit
After conducting a small speech, they went to their respectful places: Ryan on the keyboard, Jack at the mic, and Adam with his guitar. They started off with Next Up Forever, obviously going in order. There were times throughout the concert where I was crying. Whether it was happy tears during Karma and DTOML, or sad tears during Turning Out Pt.II and Dear Winter. This concert was ten times better than the click one. I could feel the crowd being much more energetic and excited than ever before. I was having the time of my life and I completely forgot the world around me. This concert was the best show I've been to in my life. I was so glad I saved up enough money to come. I took a few videos for Instagram but I mostly enjoyed the show without having my phone out. But lucky for me, I captured a moment that I could not forget.

After The Show

"That was amazing!" I shouted, pumping my fists in the air.
"I know right! I've been to tons of concerts and this one had a much more lively energy to it than every other one!" Tyrece exclaimed.
Marcie hadn't spoken much since we had left the building but she had this smile on her face. "So," she said dragging out the 'o'. "What was that with piano boy back there? It seemed like you had something going on," Marcie pried.
"Oh shut up. It was nothing. I doubt it was for me anyways." I wasn't meaning to but my face turned red. I covered it with my sleeves and shook my head. "Your just confused. Nothing was going on. Nothing happened. And nothing will happen. It's not like I have feelings for him. He's just my idol," I protested.
"Oh sure, I doubt anything was going on. You totally don't like him or anything," Ty replied sarcastically.
"Not you too...."
"Yes me too!"
"Ughhhhh," I groaned. There was no way in hell I was going to get these two out of my hair. I would just have it ignore their comments until they left me alone about it. "Anyways, we have a hotel to get back to and a bed to sleep in. We should hurry up." I tried to turn the attention to something other than me. I wasn't really one for the spotlight all the time.
"Oh fine. But we aren't not done talking about this!" Marcie demanded.
We finally made it to the car. We took our places in the correct seats and Tyrece turned on the car. I really didn't notice how tired I was until I sat down in the back seat. I posted videos and pictures of the concert on my Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat before shutting off my phone and putting it in my back pocket. I rested my head against the window and gazed outside. Tall, bright buildings passed by. Marcie and Tyrece still had lots of energy left inside of them so they decided to have another karaoke session, unaware of the tired me in the backseat. They started to play Rex Orange County, which made me more sleepy than I already was. I decided to take a nap. Hopefully I would wake up before we made it back to the hotel.

Back At The Hotel

Before I knew it I was in one of the hotel beds. Marcie was peacefully sleeping beside me. I looked across the room to see Tyrece sleeping in the other bed, his soft snores filling the room.
     "How long was I asleep?" I thought. It was about 9:30-10:00 when I fell asleep. I picked up my phone, luckily my brightness was all the way down. Apparently it was 1:00am. I turned off my phone and laid back down again, but I didn't feel tired anymore. I then sat up again and grabbed my phone. I didn't bother to change.
     After grabbing the spare keycard from the table, I went out the door. I made sure it was locked behind me. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind," I whispered to myself as I walked towards the back door of the hotel. I walked outside and the cold air hit me unexpectedly. I forgot it was still autumn. I sat down on the curb next to some empty parking spaces and pulled out my phone. For some reason I had way more notifications than normal.
     Clicking on one of them, it took me to Twitter. I sighed, seeing that Marcie has tagged me in a pretty embarrassing picture.
     "Lmao, look at this cutie @elementswolf all tired from the @AJRbrothers concert tonight. We had such a blast and it was a pleasure meeting the group a second time!" It read.
The image attached was a picture of me sleeping in the backseat. I would've told her to take it down in the morning if the AJR street team hadn't already liked it.
The wind started to blow and I was slightly chilly. I knew I could stand the cold though, it wasn't anything different from my room at home. I don't exactly know why I came out here, nor what I was planning to do. I think I just needed some air or time to think about stuff. I put in my earbuds and started to play some AJR on Spotify.
I couldn't help but sing along quietly. It's not like anyone was going to hear me. No one would go out back of a hotel at 1:30 in the morning. But late at night is when I always think about stuff that I probably shouldn't. And at this time I couldn't help but think about Him.
Did I like him? No, I couldn't. He's just another one of my idols. And I couldn't possibly like him. Not after what my last boyfriend did to me. Not after what he put me through. I had told myself that I could never love someone again. That was final. I thought I was done with this bullshit of feelings until I heard a voice that I didn't think I would hear in person again.
"You have a really pretty voice," he chuckled.
I slowly turned my head to the side, taking an earbud out. "O-oh. Thank you Ryan, I stuttered. "W-what are y-you doing out here?"
At first, Ryan didn't answer. He just gazed up at the moon. "Just wanted to get some air. What about you?"
     I didn't have a clue why I was out here. So I answered honestly, "I actually don't know. I think I just needed some air too."
It was pretty awkward considering that the boy who I had mixed feelings about was sitting right next to me. The guy I clearly had no chance with even if I did like him, was right next to me. And I had no idea what to do.
"What a coincidence that we both ended up in the same hotel, out back, at the same time, and for the same reason," Ryan spoke. His voice seemed less energetic than normal. There was this hint of something that I couldn't tell.
"Hey, are you good?" I asked.
"Yeah...I'm good......I think."
"You don't sound good? Are you sure?"
Ryan looked at me with his soft brown eyes. "Ya know, maybe I'm not okay. Everything's just been a mess lately."
"Honestly same. I can't think straight," I laughed as I turned my head back in his direction.
We just stared at each other for a few minutes. It got awkward so I turned away and hid my face in my sleeve covered hands.
"Shit, I-I'm sorry. I should go back inside, my friends might've woken up and are worried," I stuttered.
But before I could leave, he grabbed my sleeve. "Wait," he hesitated, "can we talk for a bit more?"
I stopped in my tracks. Ryan looked so stressed that I couldn't leave him here. So I sat back down, a little closer than I had intended too. "Sure. What do you want to talk about?" I stared at the moon above.
"Well there's this girl..."
"Oh shit," I thought. "Why did that hurt?"
"And?" I replied back.
"Well, I might like her, but we aren't that close and I don't know what to do. I honestly doubt she likes me back but I don't know what to do. It would be difficult with my career and everything. It's just all so confusing. I've never really felt this way before."
I had no clue what to say. I was shit at advice, especially romance advice.
"You could ask her to hang out? Or get to know her better. I'm sure she would understand. Then, you get her to tell you what her favorite place is. Last, you take her there and ask her out. And as of your career? I don't think it would get in the way. You just have to find someone who loves you for something other than your fame."
"Wow....thanks," he replied.
Once again, awkward silence. Neither of us knew what to say or what to do. Well, im not sure about him. But I sure didn't know what to do.
"What's your favorite place? Ya know, for starters. I'd like to get an idea on what girls like."
"I've never been to this place but my favorite is the roof of a building, right outside of a city. After the suns gone down, and you can see all the pretty lights," I signed. "That's my favorite place."
Ryan laughed. "Sounds very specific doesn't it?"
"I suppose it does," I laughed back.
"I'm gonna go back inside now, it's getting chilly. Plus, the boys and I have to finish up some stuff before we leave for Philadelphia on Wednesday," Ryan said. "You should probably come inside too."
"Haha yeah, you guys have a busy schedule. Have fun. It was nice seeing you."
"Nice seeing you too, Laura."
Just as I thought he had left, I heard him mumble something that really made me think.
"Why was I even talking to her. She's just a fan right? And I shouldn't tell fans personal things. That couldn't end well like last time. But she's not just a fan. Right?"
I decided to stay out a bit longer, I didn't want to run into him again just yet. So many thoughts were going through my head.
"Why was he talking to me? What did he mean by 'she's not just a fan'? 'Couldn't end well?' What happened last time. His hair looked fluffy. His smile is cute. What am I thinking? Can I, like, stop."
I sighed heavily. Then something hit me harder than I wanted it too.
"I fucking like Ryan Met"

Well Shit

I'm sorry for the delay! This chapter was super hard to write and it's pretty boring. I also skipped basically the whole concert because I didn't want to write about concert stuff that I'm not super confident in. If you have any suggestions for improvement please tell me! Please vote and share!

1916 words

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