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The Guilt Of The PussyCat


It was so peaceful outside where five people are walking on the park as their hang out . They are youtubers and the members is Sparklez, Dan, Lizzie, StampyCat, and Stacy. After they walked around the park, they went to Stampy's house to take a rest from walking. After a few seconds, someone shouted happily

"So guys ! Who wants cookies ?!" It was Stampy. He finally thought about it when it came to his mind. Then his friends were cheering and answered that they want to eat cookies. In fact, they loves cookies.

Suddenly, a bush made a shaky sound and a few leaves fell down. Elliebrine, who got her head up a little bit and took a peek through the window to see the youtubers. She saw something on Stampy's hand that he took it out from his pocket. She knows what it is and smiled evilly.

When Stampy opened his hand, it reveals cookies but... It shows that there's only ONE left. The youtubers shocked.

"Wait a minute ! There's only one" Stacy said in a serious expression

"I thought you have more Stampy" Dan said "You just eat them all except one left"

This made Stampy nervous. He gulped anxiously. The only thing is he knew himself that he is the one who ate all the cookies except one left. Then he is going to say something to them.

"Guys I have a confession to make" He paused for a few seconds while his sweats poured down from his forehead "The reason why there's only one left is... I ate them all but one left"

Then they shocked again

"I knew it ! Why did you do that ?!" Lizzie asked in an anger tone

"Because I'm hungry but sorry guys ! I was a nervous cookie eater !" He panicked

"Stampy I'm disappointed on you" Sparklez glared as he crossed his arms "Come on guys ! Let's go and some food"

Now, the youtubers went off and get out of the house while Stampy ate a cookie in a half. Just then, he heard a bush shaky sound and quickly looked around. He shrugged as he continues to walk. After a minute, he heard the footsteps and looked around again this time. He continued to walk. He'll not look again and make sure everything is fine but he felt nervously because of the sound from nowhere. So he make sure that he follows his friends along but pretty far from them.

Suddenly, he heard the footsteps behind him before he looked at the back and saw a scary murderer with white eyes that he's going to... kill him. His friends heard scream in terror which they looked behind and saw him that he's laid down on the ground with the pool of blood.

"STAMPY !" The youtubers cried loudly and ran off to him. They saw the wound with blood on the chest which means that he is... dead

"No StampyCat ! What's going on the with him ?" Stacy asked her friends as she bended her knees and seeing at her friend died.

"I don't know it's like a guilty pussy cat wants to kill himself due to his guiltiness of the cookies that he ate" Dan replied but he's not sure for his answer as he shrugged.

Just then, Sparklez realized and found the bloody path leads to the bush from the dead human that the murderer killed him for a reason. He thought about it and shouted suddenly.

"Guys ! I don't think that he killed himself ! I think he was killed by a murderer !"

This made his friends surprised

"I see ! How we will know that he was killed by a killer ? He or she left the bloody trail behind after Stamp was killed" Lizzie thought

"Speaking like a theory ! I'm getting insane !" Dan shouted frantically as he panicked

"We have to warn everybody before someone will get killed by a murderer"

"Calm down Dan ! I think we have to think first before we'll do something"

While the youtubers are chatting about the situation of the murderer and the dead victim, Elliebrine hid behind the tree. She realized herself that she is covering with blood even her face as well because of the bursting blood from the victim she killed but she doesn't care about it. She smiled evilly.

She lifted her hand up to see that she got a cookie but she realized... it was nothing which she shocked and growled angrily.

"Dangit ! I lost that cookie !" She shouted angrily

Maybe she just dropped it without noticing after she killed a victim, pick up a cookie, and went back to the bush. She sighed loudly that she felt so tired.

"A good thing that there's a lots of chances too get cookies from someone !" She thought herself "Haha ! This time, i won't lose and let myself down, and the cookies will be MINE !"

She laughed so loud and so evil that the youtubers heard the evil scary laugh they never knew where it is coming from and they thought it was like a haunted house which they screamed in terror and raw away.

After a few seconds, she coughed painfully and noticed that the blood came out from her mouth. She groaned angrily as she gripped her painful chest.

"This thing is so pathetic and so weak"

That's it.

Welp i have to write the next chapter right now but the next one is a few attempts are in one chapter cuz each of them are very short.

I know i said that there will be a lot of dramas and suspenses but don't worry. Be strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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