Sean - Patience or Quickness

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(New Story!)

MDC High School was like any other high school

Consisted of average students

Had sports and cheerleading as the main entertainment

And many other extracurricular activities that students could join

People dated, people fought, some didn't do anything but that was normal

Nothing remarkable

But for a select few

It felt like their life was like a game

Sometimes fun with no consequences but sometimes it felt like a strategic one where one wrong move can cost them something dear or give them something amazing

Or just something weird

Monday Morning

"Hey, Sean!" Tahani said to Sean approaching him at his locker

"Hey Hani, long time since we've talked," Sean said

"Sean our lockers are right next to each other stop playing," Tahani said opening her locker as they laughed

"What's up? You do anything this weekend?" Sean asked as he continued to get his books and stuff out his locker

"Not really, I was over my older siblings house so I couldn't even watch Netflix since I had to watch my niece," Tahani said

"But was it fun?" Sean said

"Yeah, I guess..." Tahani said, "What about you?"

"Josh and I went to see a movie," Sean said

"Sounds fun," Tahani said

"Yeah you should come with next time," Sean said

"I would like that" Tahani said as she looked over her shoulder "Hey Bailey, hey Julian"

"Hey sis," Bailey said

"Hey Tahottie," Julian said as Tahani rolled her eyes

"You have a girlfriend," Tahani said

"I know," Julian said as Tahani continued to ignore him

"Where's Kaycee?" Sean said as Bailey rose an eyebrow "And Josh"

"Josh is running late again" Julian said

"And Kaycee's with Gabe," Tahani said

"Oh okay..." Sean said going into a monotone tone

"What's wrong we're not good enough Sean?" Bailey said teasing him as she knows he has a crush on Kaycee

"Nope!" Sean said heading to class

"Ignore him," Tahani said "He's too head over heels for Kaycee to even give us the time or day"

"Makes me wonder if he became friends with us just to get close to Kayc," Bailey said as Julian just drank his water bottle while looking away as it was partially true


"I need to stop coming late," Josh said to himself as he heads to his locker only to see a couple covering his locker "Gabe, Kaycee, do you mind?"

"Sorry," Gabe said as he and Kaycee moved out the way so Josh can get into his locker which was next to Kaycee's

"Why were you late again this time Josh?" Kaycee asked

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