They Caught You Singing-

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Clinton Cave- The boys were out at the studio practicing music meaning you had the house to yourself and well living with your boyfriend, best friend and other friends the house tends to be messy so you like to clean while they're away.

You don't mind cleaning it would just be nice if the boys didn't make such a mess all the time but it's whatever. Anyways you were wearing one of Clinton's shirts while your hair was in a messy bun.

You walked around the house cleaning up while listening to their music and one your favorite songs from them came up called 'Devilish' you smirked and giggled as you sang along with it,

"Sever off the head and watch the body fall
See you in the depths, that ain't a metaphor
Sex, blood, fashion dripping holy water
Holy shit, she worshiping my dick like it's the Holy Father

Triple the six, I'm blaming your god cause don't exist
I keep the blade, only talk a few weeks, I cut off your wrists
Medication gets me higher than heaven, but bro I'm the shit
Better fix I saved for Hades, I'm popping the pills when I'm sick

I only exist to fall
Habits like the ghost of God
I'll just walk the earth till I'm gone
Feeling homesick, fire up that throne, bitch
Yuh Yuh

Devilish, fucking with my guys, yuh
I make sacrifices, you make lies up
Heaven lost an angel when I signed up
I might fuck your friend, I made my mind up"
You sang and danced around while cleaning.

You felt a tap on your shoulder making you jump and scream as you turned seeing your boyfriend standing behind you smirking slightly.

You paused your music while putting a hand on your chest trying to calm your racing heart "Jesus christ Clinton a little warning next time" You said and blushed with embarrassment,

He chuckled "I thought you heard me come in but clearly you didn't" he said eyeing you up and down. You blushed with embarrassment and huffed as you went back to cleaning.

Clinton laughed a bit as he grabbed your hand and made you face him. He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you on the kitchen counter, you were still embarrassed which made you look down at your lap.

Clinton slid between your legs and ran his hands up your thighs making you bite your lip slightly, Clinton lifted your chin up to make you look at him, he smirked slightly as your cheeks were on fire,

"Awe are you embarrassed?" He asked you huffed and rolled your eyes " just startled me is all" You whispered, he pressed his forehead against yours making you smile slightly,

He chuckled slightly "Well you sure do have a lovely voice" he said you just giggled a little making him smile as he pressed his lips against yours making you smile and kiss back.

Mitchel Cave- You were at the studio with the guys hearing and watching them...well watching Mitchel practice, since you're a photographer and all you would snap some cool pics of them setting up or loved them,

"Wifey come in here" Mitchel said waving you in the booth, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and set your camera down as you headed in the recording booth "Sing one of our songs for us" He said,

Your eyes widen as you blushed with embarrassment "w-what?" You stuttered, Mitchel chuckled "come on I wanna hear you sing" He said holding onto your hands, you looked at the others who smiled and nodded,

You huffed and rolled your eyes but nodded as you stood next to Mitchel at the microphone "what song?" he asked "Into it" you said as you took a few deep breaths,

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