How They Ask You Out-

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Clinton Cave- When you first met your best friends band mates you thought they were all attractive but your eyes seem to have liked someone a little more and his name is Clinton Cave.

You would ramble to Jesse about him and how cute he was and that you liked him...well one day you talking a bit too loud and well the others overheard,

And well let's say you almost cried with embarrassment but come to find out Clinton likes you too and well from there he just asked you out and of course you said yes and then went into your room and screamed and cried in a pillow from happiness...

Mitchel Cave- Ever since you became the guys photographer, you and the guys actually became good friends. You loved taking their picture and actually keeping them because not only were the guys attractive but it seems you have caught feelings for Mitchel Cave...

You tried to hide your feelings for him for business and what not but it was so hard because whenever you were around him your face flushed, heart pounded and you could never stop smiling...

The others knew you liked him by well how you act around him and the only one who's oblivious is Mitchel...or so you thought but when you guys were hanging out you wanted to must up the courage to tell him you liked him but you were just too scared.

Once again whenever Mitchel laughed, joked even just talked it drove you insane. This time Mitchel saw you blushing and smiling and confronted you about it which you said it was nothing or came up with an excuse about it being hot in the room.

Mitchel smirked and chuckled which made you confused on why he was smirking and laughing. He came up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist making you blush with confusion.

He called you a silly silly girl and said that he liked you too and have had feelings ever since he hired you as their photographer, you were not only relieved but ecstatic that you didn't have to hide now.

Youtold him you liked him which he kinda the others told him that youliked him which made you upset but Mitchel laughed which made you smile androll your eyes then he asked you out which you said yes to.

Christian Anthony- After Christian helped you with your panic attack he actually gave you his number and told him if you panic attack to call him and he'll either come rush over to help you or just try and help you over the phone, but in most case it's rush over because you two actually live very close by to each other.

Over the time you two became friends and well you developed a crush on Christian but got sad because he only thinks of you as a fan or a of course you ended up bringing yourself into a panic attack while you were relaxing outside and you didn't want to bother Christian about it because it was about him...

However one of his bandmates actually found you panicking so they called Christian and he rushed over and calmed you down but you felt so embarrassed about it...

Christian asked you what was wrong but you couldn't say it but then again it was eating you alive so you just said fuck it and told him you panicked because you liked him a lot and got upset over it.

Christian smiled a little which made you confused but it turns out he actually likes you to and he gets scared whenever you panic so he does all he can to help and well you just became the happiest girl in the world and he asked you out which you said yes to.

Jesse Boyle- Living with 5 guys sure is a pain in the ass but at least they're all supportive, loving, caring and protective...some more than others however like your brothers and Jesse.

You and Jesse became close every since you started living with your brothers but everytime you went out and got hit on by random guys or got close to Pat or Christian Jesse got angry and jealous.

You were confused on why he was acting that way and when you tried to ask him he would ignore you or lie about it so you went and talked to your brothers about it.

They laughed which made you confused and they explained that Jesse is acting that way is because he likes you. You blushed and smiled because you actually liked Jesse too you were just too scared to ever say anything...

So because you are a Cave sister you decided to pull a little prank on Jesse by fliting with Patrick and Christian and see what happens, of the course the guys being obnoxious liked the idea and went along with it.

When Jesse saw oh boy was he fuming. He actually was close to punching his friends but instead he pulled you away and literally bear hugged you. You tried so hard not to laugh as well as the guys so you asked him what was wrong,

Jesse couldn't take it so he screamed saying that you shouldn't flirt with the others when he wants you to flirt and only flirt with him. You and the others laughed making Jesse blush with embarrassment and of course you told him that you liked him too and that's this was prank...

He ignored you and the others for the rest of day but at the end of the day when he was calmed down he asked you out which you said yes and kissed his cheek and giggled about him being so jealous and overprotective.

Patrick Wilde- It was getting harder to hide your feelings for your best friend Pat, you actually get so upset that you cry sometimes and the others have to calm you down.

You told Pat's bandmates who you were also very close with that you liked him and didn't know what to do and they all just told you to tell him...but you just couldn't,

You tried and tried but just ended up crying because of the outcome and well Pat found you crying on your bed and came to comfort you and you tried pushing him away which cause a little disagreement from the both of you which happens,

But then you just had enough and screamed you had a huge crush on him and that's why you're crying cause you know he only thinks of you as a best friend.

Pat was shocked for a moment by your loud screaming and confession and as you went to walk away he pulled you into a hug and said he liked you too...

You started to cry again then apologize for yelling and pushing him away but the only he'll forgive you is by asking you out which of course you said yes to.

(Yay another preference for y'all ENJOY!)

(1180 Words)

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