chapter O1O - When You're Alone As A Kid

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Chapter 010 - When You're Alone. 
                              As A Kid

Next Day
four days left

                All of them headed seperate ways. Beverly went back home, locked up in her room. Bill stayed in Georgie's bedroom. Richie went to the arcade, fulfilling his actual summer plan.
Mike, Eleven, Francine, and Five went back to the basement, not speaking as much. Everyone didn't talk for most of their possibly fourth to the last day on earth. When Eddie passed by Dustin on the drugstore, they barely acknowledged their presence.

This went by for most of the third to the last day too.   And the next.

Until finally, the night of the 'second to the last day' arrived.
Eleven sat on her usual spot under the table, thinking. She had to tell them soon, the horrible thing she had done. The girl belived that she was the reason for all of this. "Francine?"

Francine turned towards Eleven, and was shocked when the girl broke down in tears. Five noticed too, and the both of them crouched and conforted her. "What's wrong?" Francine asked softly. "T-the gate." Eleven frowned. Five turned to Francine confusingly, who was also wondering the same. "I opened it." Eleven cried. "What gate?" Five questioned. "Bad men. Lab. The gate is inside. He forced me to touch it."

Francine's eyes widened in realization. The gate was one of Brenner's talks. She'd heard about opening a gate to the otherworld from one of the scientists.
"Five. I know what she's talking about!"


Next Day
0 days left.

                 Bill raced through the streets, heading to Derry's arcade.
He'd come from Beverly's house.
Bill was greeted by Beverly's father dead on the floor, and blood written words on her room saying 'you die if you try'.
The tired boy pushed open the doors and found what he was looking for.

There stood Richie Tozier, attacking the joystick harshly. From the corner of his eye, he saw Bill enter. "See that guy I'm hitting? I'm pretending he's you." He stated, making his fighter kick the enemy. "R-richie listen." Bill panted, still tired from his rush. "IT got Beverly."

"What do you even mean?"

"IT, Richie. IT got Beverly." Bill frowned. The glassed boy abandoned his game and turned to Bill worriedly.


             Once again, all of them, minus Beverly, were crowded in the Wheeler's Basement. "I saw the b-blood on the wall. She was
t-taken." Bill explained. "Well today's the day." Five frowned. "Seems fitting."

"Well what do we do!" Eddie said. "I just said bullshit to my mom guys. I. Said. Bullshit. To my mom. and I'm most likely gonna die when I get home."
Everyone turned to the boy and shook their heads.

Suddenly, Francine groaned in pain and covered her eyes. Her mind became empty as she was entered in a place filled with darkness. The girl saw the Losers walking into Neibolt, then the av club in Hawkins Middle School, then herself and Five sneaking into Hawkins Lab. The images faded away and she opened her eyes to see the worried looks of her friends.

"What the hell just happened?" Richie said with wide eyes.
"I saw the future. I know what we need to do." Francine smirked. The girl grabbed some paper and crayons. The group exchanged grins and smiles as Francine wrote 'The Plan' on top.

"So here's what we're gonna do..."

.                Author's Note.                 

      sorry for this short one. currently writing this at 2am and my mind was just buzzing with an end plot to this.

Do you like it so far? or is it boring as fuck?

Also some great news!
There will be a PART 2 to this.
It's still gonna be the young losers and av club. Oh and Francine and Five. It's gonna be based on the plot of ST season 2.

mkay ily all mwaH
spamming chapters lmao

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