silkwater suicide

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silkwater suicide


A/N: (this isn't necessarily more triggering than anything else that I've posted, but still, watch out)

cookies for breakfast, better than less. bringing falls back to the precipice, dangling so close after they erupted so easily. give wishes, get nothing; completely normal. the universe is sticking its hundredth pin into my cariacture of a self.

because the love feels all fake, and words haunt longer than usual. nowadays is all half moons and stormclouds. hollow hollow, knock and hear. or don't, I guess. nobody really does.

few recognize, can't blame them. one can only trace broken hearts onto aching flesh. visceral, isn't it? pain is carnal, eaten alive.

words run dry due to you and your seven selves; you were pretty paint half-off at the store, I'm finally out. time runs out for boys too busy chasing their life away - I'm too busy running.

coming to recycle is half-hearted, because it feels awful familiar to the item it previously existed as. same old story, transition through notebooks of different weight and color.

cookies for breakfast, might as well be much less with a soul starving mad. nothing more, nothing more..

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