reflection of roses

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reflection of roses


been tripping over mystery cuts and nighttime anguish, and for a bit you were flecked in there, too. dipped and spinning - reminiscing, realizing we never danced. what a pity.

some trapped reflection lately has resulted in a number of things. you're not everywhere anymore. the tip of my tongue doesn't taste like the stars, but like the cookie I called breakfast yesterday. you're tucked inside crevices, and I've lost the motivation to play hide and seek.

it's sad, really. years of growth and fertilizer dying in ashen flowerbeds. almost poetic.

there was always someone to dance with at the party, even if nobody else could see them. whether it be the unfettered void, grinning anxieties, or pain's bitter masque. somehow it feels like I never found my way to your arms. we were both always running, weren't we?

strange to say I love you like you're dead. to think about the next day so differently. to separate roses from their stems.

we're still out there dancing, sunshine. just not with each other.

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