short promise

15 3 2

short promise


cue the flutters.

oh, honey be healthy. rip bandaids and grin, that baby-face chin. road's gotten narrow, and turning heads stare. but walking alone will still get you somewhere.

saw people who threw their backs out for love, and trying eyes not saying right words enough. another year passes - we both toe the line. I guess it just wasn't our chance that time.

and memories bog down all the steps I take. and people still hide in the most random face.

still picking up flowers, and singing along. 'cause this shit's immortal, forever and so long.


hey sorry I'm so late!!! this book has been much smaller than my others due to Business and Life Stuff, but I'm still super proud of it and how far I've come.

I had a nice birthday this year, which was a much-needed change from the last ones. I'm doing well in school. The pain hasn't been too bad lately (watch me jinx it with this oop).

but there are some things that I don't think will never change. I'm still writing about the same person over and over and over again because even though we've been separated, they just aren't really gone, y'know?

I've definitely come far in handling the grief, because I numbed out to it. the pain is so different now.

I'm looking forward to continuing this journey, and I'm so glad that there have been people that read every poem I post and leave votes and comments and Good Vibes despite me becoming a hermit. you guys make my day, and I appreciate you so so much.

my next book is called Drugstore Perfume and it'll be up momentarily. if you'd like to be tagged in the comments of the first chapter, comment here. thank you all so much. <3

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