Salty Kisses

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When they finally finished all nine stitches, they instructed me to put Virgil back in the tank.

I slowly picked him back up and started walking towards the tank.

When he noticed where I was headed, he held on tighter.

When I put him in the water he didn't smile.

He made what it felt like sparks jolt up my arm when I started walking away and he grabbed my hand.

He looked at me with eyes that say 'Stay'. I wanted to stay, I really did.

But, couldn't say that to him, we can't understand each other.

Yet, both of us knew what each other meant during what happened.

We understand each other through our movements, facial expressions, and body language. But, somethings are hard to communicate...

He pulled me over towards him and had me an inch from his face.

He looked me in the eyes, then his eyes flicked down to my lips. I can't deny that I did the same.

He stayed silent and waited as if he needed some type of permission. I leaned closer instead and our lips connected.

It felt like the whole world stopped.

His lips were as soft as silk and he tasted like salt water candy.

He wrapped his arm around my neck and melted in mine.

Both of us didn't want to break apart to breathe. Air didn't feel as important as this moment.

But, we broke apart anyway.

As our faces moved away from each other, we saw each other's red faces.

Both still panting for air, a worker was found behind me. "Roman..."

She was smiling but it was saddened; she felt bad.

"Um, our crew has to take care of some fish to attend to and volunteers can't stay in a room by themselves."

I could tell they didn't really care about the kiss, but they really had to go.

I slowly started to move, which alarmed Virgil who was laying his head on my chest.

He jolted his head up and looked with saddened eyes. I couldn't take it.


"Is there something else I can do here?"

"Oh, um... I'm sure you can find something else to do! There's no such thing as 'Nothing else to do' here!" The worker said positively.

"Plus, were still waiting on your friend Logan to finish the merman Patton's bandages"


When I watched Roman walk away to help Virgil, I was tapped on the shoulder.

"I need your help with Patton, he doesn't trust any of us, he refused to get near glass. I know he trusts you."

I walked with the employee to another room with a separate tank with Patton at the wall not getting near the glass. There was fear in his eyes.

"He's had the worst time trying to adjust to the new environment, he has horrible eyes sight and his experience with people is worse."

I walked towards the tank and Patton had popped his head head out the water.

He squinted his eyes and swam a little closer.

Little by little he made his way towards me.

His voice made a cracked attempt to English when he said "LllloOoagGGgEaaAAann"

It was a slow attempt but I smiled still.

I decided to test something and I took off my glasses and put them on Patton.

His eyes widened his smile became ten times brighter.

He made happy squeaks as he looked all around him.

"I can see again!" Patton said, but Logan couldn't understand.

//Ima leave it here but I'm sorry dat it's such a late Wednesday but I had to some extra credit for a teacher and I was stressed. Anyway I hope you enjoy and have a great rest of your day or night! Bye!\\

Word Count:627

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