Nocte Angelus Ch. 12

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“Oh god, please tell me your lying?” Exclaimed Ryden, whose eyes looked ready to pop out of her head. “Amaranth, how could you be so careless? How could you fall for such an obvious trap!?”

“Excuse me! I am sorry for letting my emotions take over me! I am sure if it was you and the guy was, oh I don't know...Draven, you would be in the same predicament as I am. And what’s with the two of you anyways?” I yell out in frustration.

Ryden stays quiet and looks away from me. Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. “Look, sorry I’m jumping down your throat and all but I mean can you blame me? You have always been the careful one. I never thought something like this would ever happen to you…me yes, you...never.”

Pinching the bridge of my nose and shutting my eyes tight, I let out a heavy sigh of defeat. How could I have let myself get caught up in my emotions so easily? God, how did I even get myself into this mess? Ever since bumping into Zen on that oh so fateful morning, my life has taken the biggest turn of the century.

I let myself fall onto Ryden’s comfy bed, face first. Grrr, I am so going to get him for this. Not that I ever want to see him again, but because we have made the exchange, I literally have no choice. We are bonded for the rest of our lives. Even if I wanted to run far away and hide, it wouldn't matter because he could always find me. He can now sense if I am in danger or if I am hurt. The same goes for me. Oh and have I mentioned that he can speak to me through mind link? He has tried several times to break through my barrier, but I am strong and can keep him out.

 Just thinking about everything this bitten exchange brings, has my skin crawling. How my emotions could turn me into such a horny, sex deprived woman is beyond me. Especially around…him, gag me!

I mean do not get me wrong, he has the looks and the body of a perfectly chiseled sex god with the voice to match. Deep sexy silver eyes, that draws you in to the depth of his soul. When those deep luminescent silver orbs look into your own eyes, it's as if he can read your every thought and sense your every need. His touch is like a pleasurable scorching burn, that courses through your entire body. When he speaks, oh god, his voice...his voice alone can make your core drip with so much need. Just being near him you can lose yourself completely.

Yeah, I think that is what happened to me. Really thinking about it, I am positive that, that is what made me lose my mind and bite him. I subconsciously sealed my own fate. I bet this is what he wanted all along, that low-life-good-for-nothing-dirty-scum! Ok, I seriously need to stop thinking about him, like yesterday.

“Hey! Are you still with me? Hello? Amaranth!” Ryden tapped my forehead bringing me out of my daze.

“Ah, huh? You say something?”

Ryden tilted her head slightly to the side with an exasperated look on her face, “Geez, I asked if you want me to let him in, or tell him to go away?”

“What are you talking about? Tell who what?” I asked not knowing what she was talking about.

“Don’t you hear the banging at my door? Zen is here.”

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