Nocte Angelus Ch. 18

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With his thumb, he tenderly strokes my cheek and places a feather light kiss on my lips that make my toes curl. “Listen to me very carefully Amaranth, there’s something I need to tell you. Something I’ve not even told my family.” He sighed before taking a steady breathe and continuing. “For as long as I can remember, I have had this bizarre recurring dream. These dreams, they’ve…always felt so real.”

Zen closes his eyes as he places his forehead on mine and continues. “The most beautiful girl I have every laid eyes on, was always there. Waiting. She was always waiting for me to come and find her. When I did, we were intimate, like lovers.”

At the mention of the girl, my heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces. I kept my head down to keep Zen from noticing my gloomy expression and sudden change in attitude. I know I should not care but I couldn’t help it. I did not like him speaking so highly of another girl. It just rubbed me the wrong way, no matter how much I didn’t want it to. I tried to step back away from him, but Zen would not allow it. He just held me in place.

“At one point the dream even turned comical, where she accidently jabs her finger in my eye and without a word she tries to get away, this seems to always happen since the only light we had was the bit of light shining from a lamp post.” Zen’s word brought my own dream to the forefront of my mind. Something about his dream felt so familiar. I couldn’t quit put my finger on it until he said those next words. “She even pushes me away, right when it begins to get a bit hot and heavy. I get no further than a handful of her delectable breast.”

My heart literally stopped before pounding ten times its natural rhythm.

“I always wondered why I dreamt of someone I’ve never met before. Then it hit me. She was the one. The one my great, great, great grandfather told me about.” Zen lets me go and starts pacing in front of the fireplace. “I could never see her face clearly but I knew she was my soul companion. My forever. I could always hear her voice in my head asking me to wait for her, that she was coming to me. She needs me to face life together. And I vowed that I would wait forever for her if I had to. What was really strange, the location was always the same…in-”

“A dark alley…” Zen and I said at the same time.

Zen’s head shoots up gaping at me with his mouth slightly agape. I gasp and avert my wide eyes. Is this for real? Could Ryden’s prediction been dead on? Zen…was the one I have been dreaming about. The one who is supposed to be my other half, my soul mate, and battle by my side what was coming. I cannot believe it! I have been trying so hard and yes granted failing miserably, to keep my heart locked up and stashed away, away from Zen.

Yet, here we were with this news being thrown in my face, telling me I have no choice in the matter but to take the key and unlock my heart leaving me vulnerable, just to allow Zen to slither his way in. That is something I am not ready for. However, if the prophecy was true…one way or another Zen and I will end up together. Whether I liked it or not.

I jumped out of my skin when I felt Zen roughly grab hold of my shoulders.

“I knew I was right! At least I was hoping. You’re the one!” He practically bellowed in hysterics. “You really did come for me. I’ve waited centuries for you, and here…here you finally are.” Zen says waving his arms around.

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