Nocte Angelus Ch. 1

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A/N: I know this is a really slow start but please bare with me. It'll get better I promise. So please vote, comment and fan. I'd much appreciate it! ^_^v


Copyright © 2012 All Rigths Reserved

The sound of rock music resonated from the walls of the bedroom, ricocheting from wall to wall making the sound much louder, as if it came from within the room. This was happening for about two weeks now. Ever since the new neighbors moved in next-door, they have been throwing wild parties none stop. If they ever slept, I wouldn't know.

Not being able to sleep was beginning to take a toll on me. I did not think I could take much more of it, especially since I have been having such strange dreams recently; it has been a month since they began and kept me from my much-needed sleep. They have always started the same excessively. I lay there thinking about my recurring dream.

Standing in the middle of what looked like an alley, with the only sounds of crickets, and the rapid beating of my heart. Trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness and walking ever so slowly feeling along the brick wall until I felt it no more, I had thought it was the alley ending. Breathing a sigh of relief when I see a bit of light shining from a lamp post up ahead -since I don’t like the darkness too much- when suddenly I feel a slight wind blow against the side of my left ear. I reach up to touch my ear a little too quickly. Causing me to hit something or should I say someone.

The silence that had once taken over the alley broke by a sound of pain. I quickly turn around to face a muscular chest. Wow, somebody sure likes to work out a lot. Wait a minute! Chest!? To afraid, to look up at this tall stranger I focus my attention to my feet instead. I can still hear him groaning from almost gauging his eye out. Thinking it would be best to walk away, I slowly try to side step him until I feel myself being pushed up against the brick wall.

The strangers hand reaches up and cups my face gently but firm, I shiver from his cold touch. My breath gets caught in my throat when he looks into my bright ice blue eyes. Let me tell you his eyes where the most unhumanly yet beautiful light shad, of what looked like, luminescent silver. I never, in all the time I have been walking this earth, have seen anything like it before. I do not believe it is even humanly possible to have such an extraordinary eye color, I have seen gray but never silver.

He releases my face, a smile slowly begins to spread across his own devilishly handsome face revealing two small but very sharp fangs, his eyes move from mines to my plump pink lips then lower to my breasts. His eyes just lingered there longer then they should have. I knew what was coming and fear over took me in just a matter of seconds.

I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out and my eyes began to brim with hot tears. He looked at me and slightly brought his head back with laughter, when he noticed that I could not scream for help.

I tried to strike his face but to no avail, his free hand had grabbed mines and held it to my side so quickly I thought I imagined his movements. I felt his strong-arm snake around my waist holding me firmly against his body. There literally was no space between us now.

I look into his eyes again and this time it has taken me by complete surprise. His eyes showed no signs of any maliciousness only dare I say…LOVE…can it really be? No, that is not possible! How can he have such a look in his eyes when he did not even know me? We are nothing more then strangers to each other, who just informally met less than 10 minutes ago.

Yet he looked at me with such love and yearning. His gaze must have put me under a spell, because at that instant my knees have given out from underneath me, if it where not for his strong hold I think I would have collapsed on the ground by now.

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