Saved from the Dreaded Bleep Test

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When he awoke the next morning he did not feel refreshed at all but by now that had become his new normal and he had learnt to live with it. His eyes felt heavy but he forced them open anyway and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, placing them on his cold bedroom floor, sending a shiver up his spine.

He got up off his bed and entered his bathroom. He started the shower and immediately got in, hoping that the cold water would help him wake himself up. After a quick shower, he haphazardly pulled on some clothes that seemed worthy of school. This appeared to be a pair of comfy jeans with a science pun t-shirt and a Midtown jumper pulled over the top.

He slowly made his way towards the kitchen, where Aunt May had prepared him some slightly crispy and blackened pancakes.

'Peter, you should have left five minutes ago. You know the school will have to call me again if you are late one more time.' Aunt May said in a joking tone.

Peter grabbed the pancakes and his bag and raced out the door in hopes that he would reach the subway in time to catch his train. Aunt May fondly shook her head as she watched her nephew sprint towards the station.

Panting, Peter managed to push himself onto the crowded train carriage before it left. He was grateful that he wouldn't have to take the 20 minute journey by foot again (he had done that too many times this semester for his liking).

As the train pulled to a halt, he raced out of the doors towards Midtown. He reached the front gates as the bell sounded for the start of the lessons. He entered his algebra class, sat down in his seat and began to zone out, not paying attention to the easy equations written on the board. Peter found it easy to solve the university level questions that Tony had set him once, so it was no surprise to him that he could do this stuff in his sleep (he is pretty sure he had actually done this before seeing that he got a test back (100%) without even remembering taking it).

His first class seemed to go by in a flash and before he knew it he was sitting in history (his second lesson of the day). They were currently learning about World War II, once again something he had already learnt about, although this time it was through Steve and Bucky's stories of their time in the war. History merged into a blur and all Peter could think about was the movie night, which was planned for later in the day and the fact that MJ had actually agreed to come.

As the bell rung indicating the end of lesson, Peter met up with Ned and MJ. Together they all headed towards study hall. During study hall, most of the time was taken up making plans for later in the day and dodging spit balls and nasty comments flung at them by Flash. They had decided that they would all meet at Peter's and watch Hidden Figures first so that MJ could make sure that the boys actually watched it and didn't fall asleep during the movie (they were notoriously good at doing this). They would have popcorn, crisps and of course sour gummy worms for MJ.

By the end of their study hall, they had barely done any work but they still had to pack up and move onto their next lesson, which happened to be PE, when the bell sounded. Slowly they all trudged towards the gym and changing rooms trying to prolong the time it took before they had to actually exert some physical effort.

When they reached the changing rooms, they split off with MJ entering the girls and Peter and Ned into the boys. They all finally emerged out of the changing rooms at around the same time and silently entered the gym.

Today was the dreaded bleep test. All three of them merged into the back of the sea of students waiting for their turn, which they hoped would never come. Luckily for them right, before their go, the fire alarm rang out.

'So, just a drill then spidey?' MJ murmured to Peter as they all filed out onto the playground.

'Seems like it. Not sensing any danger.' Peter quietly replied.

After a long time waiting in the cold winter wind and freshly fallen snow, Principal Morita decided it was safe to let the pupils back inside the well heated building. As it turns out, the alarm was set off by a rowdy group of boys pushing each other around in the corridors and bashing into the alarm.

There was only enough time for Peter's class to change out of their PE kits before the bell rang marking the start of lunch. The surge of students heading towards the canteen was strong enough to sweep up an entire herd of elephants. The usual cardboard tasting mac'n'cheese was being served by the canteen once again.

Peter and Ned sat down at there usual table with MJ directly in front of them. Some months ago, neither Peter nor Ned were entirely sure when it happened, MJ had begun sitting closer to the boys. It started slowly by sitting five seats away instead of six and still having most of her attention focused on the book she happened to be reading that day. Now, though, she sits opposite them with a book out but she pays attention to what they are saying and inserting her own (normally sarcastic) comments in where she deems appropriate.

Today, MJ sat reading Americanah while eating her apple. Meanwhile, Peter and Ned were busy nerding out over Ned's new Star Wars Lego set. MJ decided not to get involved in their ramblings about this, due to her lack of interest for the little plastic toy that was a death trap when spread out on the floor (she had stepped on a piece once and vowed she would throw it all away if she ever saw it again).

Over the chatter from everyone in the canteen, the sound of the bell could just be made out. Peter and Ned made their way to their double period of woodwork. This usually meant mucking around with Peter's spidey gear making minor upgrades due to their teachers lack of supervision and regard for health and safety. Today they were continuing to make his web shooters a better fit and making shooting the web smoother. Due to being totally engrossed in their work, they were startled by the bell.

Finally, there was only one lesson (and a couple of hours) standing in-between the trio and their amazing movie night. Luckily for Peter, their final lesson was chemistry. He could zone out and still pass this class with flying colours. As their class progressed, the lesson only seemed to drag on more. By half way through, Peter was yawning and he was surprised he hadn't fallen asleep yet. At last the bell, that all three had been anticipating, finally sounded.

Peter, Ned and MJ all headed towards their lockers which were all situated close together.

'I CANNOT wait for movie night. I have been waiting for it for ages' Ned piped up.

'Dude, we have one every week' Peter replied

'I know but this week has dragged on for so long. I almost thought it would never end and we would be stuck in this week forever.'

'As much as I enjoy the two of you's interactions, I have to head home now. See you losers later' MJ said, walking away.

Peter and Ned finished up at their lockers and started to head towards the subway. Helpfully they both lived at the same stop, so often they would go to and from school together, well at least when Peter was running on time.

They both got off the train and headed their separate ways. Peter headed towards Mr Delmar's to get the snacks for later. He managed to get all of them, including five packets of sour gummy worms for MJ. He did not want to face her wrath tonight or maybe he just wanted to make her happy. To be honest he wasn't really sure himself, he just knew that he loved her smile.

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