Date Night

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Thursday. If you had of told Peter last week or even a few days ago that he would he sitting in class waiting for the end of the school day to come so that he could get ready for his date with MJ, he would not have believed you. He would have probably checked your temperature (because he is nice like that) to make sure you were ok.

But here he was, slumped in his chair, waiting for the clock to magically change from 11:42 to 2:45. His attention seemed to change place every few minutes and he couldn't seem to sit still. After what felt like forever, he finally settled down.

He had his head tilted, resting on his hand, facing in the vague direction of the front of the class, his other hand was left fiddling with a mechanical pencil, which he remembered that he needed to return to MJ before the end of the day.

Despite his eyes looking in the direction of the teacher, who was droning on, they were more focused on watching a drawing of the teacher unfold next to a sketch of the coach looking bored. His attention was eventually pulled away by the sound of the bell ringing.

Only 3 more lessons of this before I'm finally free. He thought.

The day dragged on but Peter's mind was elsewhere.

'Hey man, you alright? You've been very quiet today.' Ned asked.

'Hmm. What? Oh right yeah, I'm fine' Peter replied.

'You know you can tell me anything right? Did something happen with Spider-Man? Did you have a fight with May?' Ned said, becoming more anxious as he continued.

'No, I asked MJ on a date...'

'OMG, do you need a body guard or something. I mean she always threatens to will kill us but I always thought she was joking.' he said with a laugh.

'...she said yes'

'I'm so happy for you man. I told you she liked you too. Of course she said yes.'

The last lesson of the day was chemistry, one of Peter's favourite subjects. He hoped that the current web formula mixture in his desk draw was not going to explode again. It had been hard enough to deal with it the first time and that was an experience he never wanted to relive.

Checking the clock for the one hundredth time that lesson, Peter noted that there were only five minutes remaining.

'Ok class, don't forget the field trip is tomorrow so don't be late (cue glance at Peter) and permission slips are required. Once the bell has rung you are dismissed.'

Finally. Peter thought.

Peter dashed out of school, eager to get home. As he reached the school gates he turned and caught the tail end of MJ's smile aimed at him. He was so focused on the happiness it brought him, he nearly walked right into a street lamp.

He sprinted back to apartment as quickly as his feet would carry him (avoiding all street lamps).

When he finally burst into his room he dumped out his entire backpack on the floor. He started to pack everything he thought he could need for his date with MJ under the stars.

'Woah, what happened here it looks like a tornado hit it?' Aunt May asked.

She had been alerted to her nephew's arrival by a large thud from his room followed by feet running heavily around the tight space. May had been half way through packing her suitcase for her friend's wedding in Hawaii when she heard the noise. She was due to leave the apartment around 11:30am tomorrow to meet up with her friends for their 12:54 departure.

' things...don't...want... to be late' Peter said, still recovering from his mad run home followed immediately by a panicked run around his room.

'Ok, ok.' May said with a smile 'you need to calm down.

'Trying. I don't know what to wear, she's going to look wonderful, I can't just turn up in anything.'

After around two hours of anxious questions from Peter and reassurance from Aunt May, Peter finally left the apartment on time, leaving May to get back to her packing. He was wearing his spidey suit underneath a black pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a burgundy hoodie finished off with his favourite pair of black converse. On his back he carried a backpack stuffed with what he thought to be essentials.

As he waited atop MJ's building he once again became enthralled by the sunset.

'Hey' a quiet voice said behind him.

Peter turned around and his mouth broke into a huge grin.

'Hey MJ, ready to go'

MJ stepped forward to be next to Peter.

'Think so'

Together they made their way to the best location Peter knew for looking up at the stars. He used to go there all the time with Uncle Ben when he was a young boy but ever since he died Peter had never gone back there. He was hoping it was still as good as he remembered.

A few miles away from Queens stood a little hill in an empty park. The light covering of snow, with the help of the stars beaming down through the clear sky, made the place glow.

As the teens turned to face eachother, all they could see was the beautiful glow reflected on the others face.

Peter placed down his backpack and started to unpack some of the things. He took out a waterproof mat to lay down on the ground and covered it with piles of soft, cuddly blankets.

They lay down side by side with a small gap between.

'Bet your looking forward to the trip tomorrow'

'Don't even get me started on it. I bet the avengers are going to try embarrass me so much, especially Mr Stark' he said burying his face in her hair.

'It'll be funny though don't you think? Or at least worth it see the expression on Flash's face'

'Yeah probably' he laughed into her curls.

'Oh, I almost forgot, thank you for lending me your pencil earlier. You can have it back now if you want' Peter said.

'Thanks. Hey, look a shooting star' MJ pointed out, laughing as he handed her her pencil.

They fell into a comfortable silence, pointing up at the sky every now and then. The stars were shining bright against the darkness of the night. No clouds dared to enter the crisp sky and as the night continued on and the temperature started to decline, more and more blankets were pulled out of Peter's bag and the Spidey suit's heater provided extra cosy warmth. The teens slowly gravitated towards eachother until their sides began to touched.

'Don't suppose you have any food in that magical, blanket producing bag of yours do you?'

Peter rummaged through his bag until he found what he was looking for. A bag of sour gummy worms landed on MJ and Peter lay back down slightly further away than they had been before.

'Hey get back, my sides getting cold here' MJ said in a joking tone.

With a slight giggle Peter moved closer to MJ until they were back laying shoulder to shoulder. MJ slowly lowered her head until it was gently resting on Peter's shoulder (one of her new found favourite places).

'Do you know when the next one of these is?' she asked quietly, so as not to disturb there calm bubble.

'You want to do this again?' he whispered back in shock.

A small nod from the head on his shoulder alerted him to that fact that he was correct.

'You want something boyfriend and girlfriend' Peter asked quietly.

'Yeah, that... that would be nice' a soft, barely audible voice said.

He wasn't entirely sure where his surge of bravery had come from. It could have been from the stars or the warmth of the head comfortably lying on him. Either way he was glad he had done it.

Both Peter and MJ lay facing the stars with big, soft smiles on their faces, huddled underneath a mound of blankets, lying a little bit closer than before and holding eachother a little bit tighter.

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