Epilogue - Slow Dance

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Just a quick thank you to summersnow124 for the location suggestions they were really useful.

Even though there is a named location, it will not be completely accurate. Much of it will be made up to fit the purpose of this story.

There is a small section of panic which will be marked before and after with ———— just incase anyone needs to be aware of it.

I don't know how it ended up this long it just did. There is a high chance of mistakes, I'm sorry, it was quite hard to proof read and I'm very tired. It is officially my longest chapter ever (including the long field trip one) at 5106 words.

The time had finally arrived. Tony and Pepper were getting married. Well in a few days or so. The countdown was officially into single figures.

Tony and Pepper had planned everything down to the smallest detail. The venue was ready, the cake was ordered, the invitations had been sent.

It was time for the celebrations to begin.

Everyone had their bags packed and was waiting excitedly for their journey to begin. Everybody, included the avengers, Tony and Pepper's close friends, Pepper's family, May, Peter and MJ. Many of them were waiting together for their plane to arrive.

Ned had been planning to go but a sudden attack of illness halted all the plans. Peter had promised to update him all day and face time him daily (at least). He was really bummed about not going. After all, who would want to miss Tony Starks wedding?

Once the private plane had arrived everyone who was waiting piled on. Pepper's family and the close friends that had been invited were making their own way to the wedding, as they were travelling from all around the globe.

Onboard the plane was Pepper and Tony, of course, as well as Rhodey, Happy, Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Sam, Wanda, Vision, May, Peter and MJ. They each seemed to claim their own section of the plane with Peter and MJ sticking together.

They ended up in a corner, huddled up together. They had a window to their left, overlooking the land and sea they were were flying over.

Peter and MJ were playing a multiplayer game that ended up with someone being (lightly) kicked every now and then. Everyone around them decided to let them be and not disturb them, as they could here giggles and what sounded like evil laughter echoing throughout the plane.


Up until halfway through the journey, the flight had been pretty smooth. Their luck finally ended when they hit a small patch of turbulence. It didn't last too long but then again it didn't have to.

The plane was jostled a bit in the sky and the plane shook a little bit.

The Vulture's wings crashing through the support columns caused the ground to shake.

The plane levelled out and started to fly smoothly once again.

The eerie stillness of the building, as the rumble lay still on the ground. The wings unmoving.

The plane hit a final bump.

The building came crashing down.

Peter was breathing quickly. Too quickly. Yet he felt as though he was not.

A pair of arms wrapped around him and a calm safety flowed over him. He was with his family, not under the rubble.

He opened one of his eyes.

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