Pancakes and Waffles

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When Aunt May arrived home around 6 in the morning, she was careful to enter the apartment silently. She had learnt previously that Peter and Ned would fall asleep on the sofa while watching films instead of stopping a film and going to bed like sensible people. She carefully laid her work bag down along with the few groceries she had picked up from the convenience store round the corner for the teens when they eventually woke up.

She tiptoed into the lounge to check on Peter, Ned and MJ. A smile started to show on her face as she took in the sight before her. Ned was peaceful on the chair with an empty bowel of popcorn balanced precariously in his lap. The TV had automatically turned itself onto standby after not being used for hours. A little lamp in the corner of the room was projecting a warm, soft, orange light onto the sofa. On the sofa was a tangle of two bodies. Peter and MJ were cuddled together with blankets piled on top of them. MJ was laying down with her arms wrapped around Peter's torso and Peter was lying next to her with his head resting on her chest above her heart and tucked under her chin.

May knew that when they woke up it would be an awkward mess but it was just so cute. Peter had rambled enough to her about MJ and she had seen first hand the looks, which Ned had complained to her about a million or more times ('I mean they're just so oblivious. Can they just, please, for Thor's sake just get together already') to know that Peter saw her as slightly more than a friend.

Everyone knew MJ was observant but what was well less known was that so was Aunt May. She had seen the quick glaces towards Peter from MJ and the small quirk of her lips when Peter said something or did anything (usually something a bit stupid), which no one else seemed to pick up on. The slight blushes that dusted both their cheeks when they bumped into eachother was missed by all apart from Aunt May.

May creeped back out of the lounge, took her shoes off and entered her bedroom with a smile still on her face. She was glad that Peter had found such good friends as Ned and MJ. They were always there for him when he was down, whether that was to do with a bad patrol or Flash being Flash. With that happy thought she slowly slipped into a peaceful sleep.

Around 9 o'clock Peter slowly roused from his slumber. He became aware of two arms holding him in place. After a moment's panic of not being able to move, he realised that the arms belonged to MJ, who was still fast asleep. His face started to heat up but luckily for him there was no one around to see him in this state. Despite the position being slightly awkward for him (he was being pressed up against his crush after all), he didn't really want to move, so instead he layed his head back down, embraced the hug like position and closed his eyes again.

Around half and hour later, Ned was woken up by his friends slightly shifting position. Once the blurriness of his newly opened eyes had mostly faded he could make out the pile of Peter and MJ's bodies on the sofa next to him. A slight smile crept onto his face but was quickly wiped off once he realised how awkward the two would be towards eachother after this event. He did not want to have to deal with that.


MJ had awoken (slightly) to something heavy pushing down on her bladder and she need to move it now. In her barely conscious state she had not registered that Peter was the heavy lump on her. With a swift push, she stood up and walked to the bathroom.
Peter had landed on the floor with a loud thump and was now partially awake.

Ned, who had watched the whole thing unfold, was trying to keep his laughter under control and inaudible.
Peter was almost completely woken up by the sound of Ned nearly choking on his laughter.

When MJ returned to the room she was faced with Ned in a collapsed heap in his chair in hysterical laughter and a very confused cute looking Peter looking at Ned weirdly, while sitting on the floor.

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