I was tagged

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This was supposed to go up yesterday but I forgot.

I was tagged by amazjc96
I've never done anything like this but I'll give it a go.


1. Post all the rules

2. You can't say you don't do tags
(If you don't, just don't say it. I'm not going to require you to do the tag)

3. Tag 12 people

4. Tag backs are allowed

1. Favourite game
I don't really play any video games or actual physical games but I quite like logical puzzles, if they count.

2. Favourite show
I don't watch much TV but I like Death in Paradise and Ambulance.

Agents of Shield is also one of my absolute favourites.

3. Favourite character
My absolute favourite character is Loki. Peter, MJ, Ned, Shuri, Groot and Korg all closely follow.

4. Favourite ship
Spideychelle. (I am attempting to write a book about it after all 😁)

5. Do you prefer drawing on paper or digitally?
I am absolutely terrible at drawing and all things art related but I think I prefer drawing on paper.

6. Chocolate or caramel?
This is a very difficult question and I think I would have to go with chocolate coated caramel but if I had to choose, probably chocolate.

7. Favourite colour
Blue that is very close to turquoise.

8. Do you have a crush, or are you in love with someone at the moment?
No, I don't have a crush and I'm not in love with anyone at the moment.

9. Favourite fictional world
Marvel Cinematic Universe.

10. Favourite animal
Penguins, dolphins, hedgehogs, elephants, sloths. Sorry I couldn't choose just one.

11. Favourite band
I tend to listen to random music instead of just one group, so I don't have one.

12. Random fact about me
It's not very interesting but out of the subjects I do at school my best is maths and my least is probably English (especially as I have a spoken language exam coming up and I hate speaking in front of people).

I'm just hoping no one I know reads or finds this as they can probably identify who I am by some of those answers. 😁

Anyway, time for tags:













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