Field Trip (Part 2)

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Sorry this is quite late. I did most of the writing today and it took quite a while. (I had only written about 1570 words)

I said it would be a long chapter. I think the total word count is 4,752.

In this I use маленький паук which according to Google translate is little spider in Russian.

The first stop on the tour of Stark Industries was the R&D labs. Despite spending most of his time in the upper floor labs with Tony, Peter actually visited these labs fairly regularly. He had even made friends with a few of the interns there.

'Thank God you're hear. I must of been working on this coding for weeks and I just can't see what is wrong with it. Can you have a look at it?' James pleaded, pulling Peter aside.


Peter quietly crept away from the tour group and towards James's desk to scan over the code. After a few minutes he piped up.

'I think this should be a negative not positive. I'm not certain but it might fix the problem.'

'Thanks Mini Stark.'

A lot of the interns referred to Peter as Mini Stark. It all started when Peter first appeared but none of them knew his name, so they made up their own. Due to the fact he always seemed to be following or in close proximity to Mr Stark he became well known as Mini Stark and it just kind of stuck.

Peter made his way back to his class trying not to be noticed by anyone. Luckily for him, they were all currently fully engaged in listening to Olivia and what roles different employees had. He gently slipped his hand back into MJ's, missing the warmth it provided. He felt a light squeeze on his hand and saw a small smile pointed in his direction, causing his own to appear on his face.

The tour group left the R&D labs and started to head towards the Avengers exhibition, which had been specially set up for their group. As they followed Olivia (a lot like how ducklings follow their mother) through the maze of corridors, Flash slowed his pace to walk next to Peter.

'How does it feel to know that you are going to be exposed as a liar?'

'Leave me alone Flash'

'Can't handle the truth Penis'

'He told you to shut up' MJ interjected.

'Have to have your girlfriend stand up for you now?' Flash said in macking tone.

'At least he has one. He's too kind to do it but I won't hesitate to whack you around the head again. Now leave us alone.'

With a slightly worried face, Flash made his way back to his (small) group of friends at the front, making sure to trip Peter up as he went.

'Thank you'

'Hey, nobody messes with MY Loser'

MJ's hand held Peter's tighter with a sense of protectiveness as they continued on their way.

'Ok guys we have arrived at the exhibition. You have one hour to look at anything you would like in here. You are free to roam around by yourself but please do not leave this area, we will be notified if you do. If you guys are lucky, some of the avengers might come down and talk a little bit about themselves. Stay safe and have fun.' Olivia announced.

Peter, MJ, Ned and Betty formed a little group to travel around in. They started by looking at the Iron Man showcase. A few of the suits, which now were now not used anymore, were on display. Next to them was a little plaque.

Tony Stark/Iron Man
Anthony Edward Stark was born on May 29, 1970 to Howard and Maria Stark.
He is now the proud owner of Stark Tower and spends a lot of his time working on new inventions and looking after Dum-E, Butterfingers and U.
He has created many AIs, most notably Jarvis and Friday, and a new element to power his arc reactor.

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