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Ahh. I forgot to post yesterday. Well, it's here now.


The ride home was mostly just me making fun of Sam and him getting all blushy and annoyed. We got back at 9:30, though our curfew was 11:00. 

It was just after 11:30, when I just finished my shower, I heard a car engine start. I figured it was Sam or Dad going on a drive or something. That was until I heard Sam screaming downstairs.

"No, no, no, no, no.  Hey, that's my car! No, no, no, no. Jay, Dad, call the cops."

The front door slammed as Sam ran out. I ran down the stairs and followed after him. Luckily I hadn't put on my sleep clothes yet.
I shoved on running shoes and sprinted out the door. I'm in track at school, so I could run quite fast and far.

I just barely caught sight of Sam turning at the end of the street and headed off after him. My legs and throat were sore by the time I could see the two, Sam and the stolen camaro, with out full on sprinting.

The car was on a small hill in the junkyard and I could see Sam crouched behind a pile of metal, illuminated by the faint light of his phone.

I crept closer to Sam till I was right next to him. I put a hand on his shoulder, making him jump and almost scream until I put a hand over his mouth. 

"Sammy, it's me!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and we both turned back to the car. However, it wasn't a car anymore.
It was standing on legs with it's chest angled at the sky. A blue light beamed from it's chest in the shape of an odd robot-like symbol.

Sam rapidly fumbled to unlock his phone and take a video. 

"My name - my name is Sam Witwicky, and this is my twin, Jaymes Witwicky."

He turned the phone towards me as I sarcastically smiled and waved at the camera.

"Whoever find this, my car is alive, okay?" 

Sam quickly put his phone above the metal pile, just enough to capture the figure of the thing.

"You saw that? Since this is my last words on Earth, I just wanna say, Mom, Dad, Jay, I love you, and if you find Busty Beauties under my bed, it wasn't mine. I'm holding it for Miles. No, no, wait, that- Okay that's not true. It's mine and Uncle Charles gave it to me."

"That's disgusting Sam." I loudly whispered, but he ignored me. 

"I'm sorry. Mojo, I love you."

He ended the video there and we looked to where the thing was only to find him missing.

I heard growling from behind us and turned slowly. There was a large German shepherd staring us down, and it didn't seem happy.
"Woah, okay." my voice was shaky, "You're a good dog! Good dog! Oh my God, oh my God."

It growled and barked one more time before charging at Sam and I.
We jumped up and sprinted away from the dog, finding a small pile of stuff to climb onto. The dog continued to jump at us, still barking and growling. 

Then the weirdest thing happend. Sam's car barrelled into the clearing, effectively scaring away the dog and scaring the Hell out of me and Sam.

Sam hid slightly behind me as the haunted Camaro drew closer. "Okay. Please, please don't kill us. I'm sorry. Here take the keys. I don't want them! Car's yours!"

The car stopped moving as a a cop car pulled up, lights flashing. The cop got out of the car and pointed his handgun at us. "Let me see your hands."

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