Percy Jackson and Triton's Revenge

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So, guys this is my first fanfic. Please read. Hope you like it!

Part 1- The pink Jammies

'Ouch!' I'd just fallen head first from my bed. I struggled to get up. Ever since Tartarus, I'd been having these terrible headaches and horrible dreams. Just as I got up, the door flew open and Leo burst inside 'Dude-' he began. His eyes widened and he burst out laughing. 'What?' I demanded 'What's so funny?' 'Percy, what on earth are you wearing?' Leo had tears in his eyes now. I looked down. My mouth fell open. I was wering a pair of PINK jammies with BARBIE prints on them. 'But' I stammered 'How did-?' Leo raised his hands in defence struggling not to laugh. 'Valdez, I swear-' I said rolling up my sleeves. 'No no no. Nothing doing' managed Leo as he reached for the door 'except for maybe one picture' He pulled out a camera from his tool belt, snapped a photo and was on his heels before I could even understand what was going on. I sighed in exprastion. But still, this whole thing seemed like a dream......No more giants, no more Gaia or any of that stuff. I stripped of the jammies. Now how in the name of Poseidon did I end up wearing that? 

By the time I came to the mess hall, everyone had already seen that ridiculous picture. Piper stiffled a laugh as I entered. Picking up a sandwich, I plopped next to Annabeth. 'So, Percy' she asked casually 'Seen Barbie lately?' The whole crew burst into peals of laughter. 'Guys' I protested 'Who the hell did it, anyway?' Hazel and Jason gave each other a hi-five. 'Hazel?' I asked 'How did you...? I'm pretty sure I wore blue jammies before I slept!' 'It's all in the Mist, buddy' said Hazel waving her hands in the air in a mysterious way 'I just used the mist to make pink jammies look like blue ones' 'So, Admiral' I said, anxious to change the topic 'Any attacks or something?' 'Nah' said Leo stuffing half a cheese and avacado sandwich in his mouth. 'Good Morning' a voice broke in. Calypso entered the hall. I couldn't bring my self to meet her eyes. 'Uhhh...hi Calypso...' I said, trying hard to ignore the lump in my throat. 'Percy' she considered me for a moment before turning her attention to Leo.

Thanks for the read, guys! If you like it, don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow! Love you all!


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