Sibling Rivalry

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'But unfortunately' continues Triton 'You saw me before I could' So saying, he continued to control the waves, tossing them them about casually. The crew was split. I fell on top of Festus, the metal dragon head, and clung there for my dear life, getting occasional salt water gargles. 'Percy!' I heard Hazel's voice from somewhere on my left 'Tell your stupid brother to stop it!' 'Do I look like I wanna be tossed like a salad?' I shouted back and without thinking twice, I let go of Festus and fell into the big blue. Bubbles all around. I swam up to Triton and grabbed his legs from underwater. I was gonna settle this family feud once and for all. A bewildered Triton greeted me. But, his expression shifted almost instantly to absolute loathing. 'You' he snarled through the underwater telapathy (its a Poseidon thing). 'Yeah me' I replied, my hand creeping towards Riptide, which was always there in my pocket. 'Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you?' 'I' he replied, still snarling 'was dad's favourite son for many millenia. But now? And insignificant, puny mortal like you, who came a few years ago, is my dad's new favourite? All day long, he keeps on talking about you. Percy this and Percy that. And one day, he even said that I have to try to become more like you!' Before I could think of how nice it was for Poseidon to say that, Triton attacked, but thankfully, missed. 'Poseidon' he said 'Can have only one favourite. And that is ME! So, I guess I'll have to just, you know, kill you' Woah! This guy was seriously taking sibling rivalry to its maximum limit. I opened Riptide. Triton's sword, one that looked somewhat like Riptide (only taller) appeared in his hand. I attacked, but he defended. I tried to kick him over, but he was to fast for me. He slashed. The sword cut my left leg. Pain seared through me, but, subsided just as quickly. I was in the water, and NOTHING could hurt me under water. 'Oh, you heal' said Triton like he'd just realized that now 'Eh, no matter. You'll wear out soon' It was then that I saw another  major problem. Triton was also Poseidon's son. I couldn't hurt him either. I had to get him out of the water. I had to get to the ship. Triton swam up a little, ready to attack. I ducked below his feet and willed the currents to take me to the ship as fast as possible. Triton was confused for a moment. Then, he saw me. 'Scared, Jackson?' he laughed. 'No' I replied coolly 'But I know you are. Too slow to catch me, jerk?' I shot out of the water, like those trained dolphins you see and landed headfirst on the Argo II. My friends came forward to help me up. 'No' I said 'Stay away. He'll be here any minute' Triton appeared out of nowhere on the deck. 'Man to man, Jackson' he said 'Man to man' A hot bubble of anger burst in my throat. This guy was a jerk and a bully and at the moment, I hated him. I ran forward and slashed at my stupid, arrogant half-brother. It took him by surprise and caught his right leg. He winced in pain as ichor started flowing from the wound. I had my sword point at his throat. 'Alright, alright' he said moving back 'I admit, you're Poseidon's...' Annabeth was standing right next to him. I understood his plan a second too late. He took her brand new knife from its sheath and held it around her throat. '...biggest mistake' he continued 'Now drop the sword or your girlfriend gets it'.

A/N: Dun, dun. So how was that? Lemme know in the comments section below and don't forget to vote, share and follow! Bye for now!


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