Daddy to the Rescue!

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I lowered my sword. As much as I hated Triton, I didn't want him to hurt Annabeth. 'Percy' Annabeth said 'I'll be fine. Get this idiot off the ship' 'Shut up, girl' said Triton 'You're at my mercy. Jackson, I said drop the sword' I dropped Riptide. 'Good' he said, holding his own sword tip to my throat. 'Let her go, Triton' I said 'You promised' 'Who said you could trust me?' he laughed. 'Triton!' a male voice bellowed from nowhere 'You'll have to go through me to get him' Triton lowered his sword and put the knife away. Water shot out of the sea and landed between me and him, taking the shape a man in bermuda shorts and shirt. 'Dad' I said. 'Oh, young man' Poseidon said, but he wasn't talking to me 'you are in so much trouble. Wait till your mother hears about this. Picking on demigods, and that too your own brother. Now say sorry to Percy' 'But, Dad' Triton began. 'I said' cut in Poseidon firmly 'Say sorry to your brother' 'Sorry Percy' he said through snarls. I figured he'd rather be in Ares' socks rather than say sorry to me, but I was gonna take full benefit of the situation. 'It's okay, Triton' I said 'I forgive you' 'Ah, yes' said Poseidon, turning to me and patting my back 'Such a big heart at such a small age' I smirked at Triton. 'And as for you' said Poseidon turning back to Triton 'You are, uh, how do the mortals put it? Yes, grounded. You, mister, are grounded until you learn how to behave. Now go to your room' Triton gave me a murderous look before disappearing. 'Thanks dad' I said. 'Anytime, Percy' said Poseidon. 'I should get going' He was half way through dissolving when he said 'Percy?' 'Uh-huh?' 'No matter what' he said 'you'll always be my favourite son. Just...keep that in mind, alright' He winked at me. I smiled as he dissolved, leaving the sweet smell of the sea behind. 

'Well' said Leo, to break the silence that followed 'Let's call it a day, shall we?'

A/N: So, that's it guys. My first fanfic. Hope ya'll like it. I know it was dreadfully short, unlike most fanfics but that's how I want it to be. I don't know, maybe I can write a sequel or something. Anyway, lemme know your thoughts on this in the comments section below and don't forget to hit that star and share this story. Also, if you get the time, follow me on wattpad and on twitter at TabbyFranta! Thanks a million! I love you all! xx


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