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Chapter 3! Hope ya'll enjoy it!

'Percy!' Bianca shouted gleefully, running towards me. She hugged me. 'Bianca.....!' I repeated, and I have to admit, I teared up a bit. I felt Annabeth's hand on my shoulder. 'Bianca' she said 'We've met only once, but, I've heard a lot about you' 'You too, Annabeth. Percy used to talk about you all the time during our quest. You make a good pair' At that very moment, my glance happened to fall on Nico, and for a moment, I saw the happiness drain out of him. Hmmm... That's weird. But Nico, in general, WAS weird. So, to get back to the point. The only people in the hall who were talking was Annabeth and Bianca. The other members of the crew said nothing. 'He once spyed on a conversation between me and Artemis' I heard Bianca say, and it dawned on me that they were talking about me. 'I know right?' said Annabeth 'He's so irritating sometimes. You should hear the time when-' 'Guys' I said, interrupting them 'Could you stop your conversation about how stupid I am for, like, one minute? I need to introduce Bianca to the others' I turned to the others 'So, this' I said 'Is Bianca Di Angelo, Daughter of Hades, Hunter of Artemis' 'Uh, actually, Percy, I'm not a hunter anymore' broke in Bianca 'See, I was reborn as a daughter of Hades itself. Dad just made me grow older and gave me the memories of my old life' 'But who cares, right?' cut in Nico 'You're back! And Bianca, there's someone I'd like you to meet. Our roman sister, Hazel' 'Hi' said Hazel, awkwardly. 'Hey' replied Bianca. The two sisters considered each other for a moment. 'Well' I said beginning a positive sentence, which I probably shouldn't have 'cause positive sentences don't work for demigods. 'Nothing could go wro-' I never got to complete my sentence. The entire ship tilted sidewyas. I was thrown to one side. The brakfast table would be and me any second, and belive me, it was way too big for a skinny 17 year old kid to stop. That's when Frank the grizzly bear came between me and the table. He shouted something in bear that probably meant 'Get outta here and kill whatever's up there' I didn't argue. I ran upstairs with the others. 'Great going, Seaweed Brain' Annabeth said, halfway through the stairs. 'What did I do?' I asked. 'You and your big mouth' she replied. 'Sure' I said 'Whenever something attacks the ship, it's all Percy's fault' 'Guys' Jason broke between us 'Not the perfect time to fight' 'Well, she started it!' I protested. 'Whatever' Annabeth grumbled as we reached the deck. There was absolutely no kind of monster there. But there, on the waves, stood a skinny dude with sea green eyes and a black ponytail. Triton?. Triton, My dad's immortal son, thus making him my  immortal half brother. I'd met him once during the titan war. He wasn't exactly warm and friendly back then. But, I seriously didn't exept this guy to be.....dangerous. 'Ahh...' he said, calming the waves down a bit 'Percy Jackson, dad's new favourite' 'Triton?' I asked 'What....What're you doing? You could've killed us!' 'Exactly' he said, smiling cruelly.

A/N: So, did you like that? If you did, please vote, comment, share and follow! Love ya! xx


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