Chapter 27:

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Callie's P.O.V

'Excuse me.' I hear a voice I don't recognise say. I roll of Brandon and on to the bed, he then move the chair beside me. I look up and see a very good looking doctor standing in the door way. Wait, did I just think that? He wasn't as hot as Brandon of course but he was close. 'Sorry to interrupt.' He says. 'Thats okay,' I was going to tell him that he didn't interrupt anything but he quite clearly did. 'I just came to tell you that I'll be your new doctor.' He gave me a dashing smile, so I smiled back. I then noticed Brandon staring up at me, wide eyed. The doctor was about to leave the room but before he did he said 'also you should be able to go home in about a week if nothing else happens.' He smiles again and walks out. I turn to Brandon 'what?' 'He clearly fancies you!' Brandon tells me and I realise that he was a little over friendly towards me. 'Im not saying he does but even of he did there is only one guy on this planet that I want.' I smile at Brandon. 'And who must that be?' He asks me, even thought I knew he's joking I reply. 'You!' I pull Brandon towards me and kiss him.

We were still kissing when there was a knock at the door, it was Jude and Stef. I pull away from Brandon and say 'to be continued?' Brandon nods. Jude walked in, his hand in plaster. 'Oh my god, Jude what happened?' I asks him motioning for him to come over and let me hug him. He walks over and I pull him into a hug, giving Stef a looking asking what happened. 'School, I'll explain later.' She mouths to me and I nod. I spend the next few hours talking to Jude about everyone at home and what him and Conor have been up to. Once It was time to go Stef came back with Marianna, and asks Marianna to take Jude to the car. Once they have both left I turn to Stef and say 'what happened?' She knew exactly what I meant. 'Some kids at school where giving him a hard time and I think one got a bit to carried away and slammed Jude's hand in his locker. He's broken in hand but in a couple of weeks he will be fine.' 'The kids at school, they will be punished right?' 'Of course they will, now I should probably get going I'll see you both tomorrow okay?' Stef quickly walks over and hugs me then Brandon and waves goodbye as she walks out.

As soon as everyone has left and it's only me and Brandon, he gets up and shuts the blinds and locks the door. He walks over to me and says 'to be continued.' I pull him closer to me and he starts kissing my necks and works his way to my mouth. He climbs on top and I soon removed his top. Thing then end up going further than we expects.

I'm now lying next to Brandon, my head resting on his chest, only a sheet cover the both of us. I look up into Brandon's eyes 'I love you.' 'I love you more.' He tells me. 'Not possible.' I smile at him a kiss him softly. There was a knock at the door and Brandon shouts 'one second.' He slips his boxers back on and helps me get dressed before gathering his clothes, unlocking the door and running into the bathroom to get changed.

Brandon's P.O.V

*two weeks later*

Callie has now been out of hospital a few days but has been resting a lot, seeing as her still isn't 100%, but she is getting there slowly. I still feel like this accident is all my fault,

if I had seen the lorry I could have stop, I could have stopped Callie from being hurt. But of course Callie is hurt and I can't do anything about it. Even thought Callie is full recovered now we decided that when she is we want to go round and travel some of Europe together, seem we are having a gap year, why not. Even mums said it would be a great idea to go and they said they'd help with the money which is a bonus. I couldn't wait until it was just the two of us in somewhere like London or Spain, it would be amazing.



So that chapter was rubbish, sorry but I try to upload every day and I didn't have any ideas for it, but I have things planned for the next one.

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