Movie Night

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It was my job to get the food and Josh's job to bring drinks so he was on his way over to pick me up so we could go to Sam's house for the night. We were stopping at the pizza place to order pizza and get the drinks plus going by the liquor store to get some booze for the guys.

Since it's a little cool out tonight I pick out some leggings and a swatter dress to go with it. I pare it off with some black zip-up boots than head down to wait on Josh.

"Where you headed tonight," Dad asked sitting in his favorite tan lazy-boy.

"Movie night at Sam's house Josh is coming to get me"

"Alright what time will you be home"

"Around eight dad I know it's a school night"

"Ok just making sure"

I go over kissing his forehead, then the doorbell rings.

"Mom I'm home," Josh says as he comes into the door

"I think she's in the living room with Fisher" Mom tells him

"Think's Mrs. Lucas" he steps into the room "Ready doll"

I smile at him "You're going think doll when I give you a black eye"

"You two be careful," dad tells us

"Yes sir," Josh says

Heading out I jump into his truck and he gets into the drives side cranking it up. It's a quiet ride to the pizza place and even after we leave there it's quiet. As we pull into the driveway Josh parks the truck then looks over at me.

"Alright you're too quiet what's up"

"Nothing just don't have much to say," I tell him

"You Mia Lucas don't have much to say," he says in an unbelievable voice

"No, I don't what's wrong with that"

"Come on Mia what's up"

"What you want me to say, Josh, I mean if you want me to talk that bad I'll talk but really there just isn't anything to talk about right at this point"

He studies my face for a little while than shrugs his shoulders "Alright, you just worry me when you get so quiet"

I smile at him "You'll be the first to know when I start my period"

Rolling his eyes he turns to open his door "Ugh now that you can keep to yourself"

"But I thought you like knowing everything about me," I say with a hint of humor opening my door as well

"Trust me I know when you're on the rag, I've been with you long enough to know your mood when you got it"

I smile as he offers his arm for me to take as we start toward Sam's three-story house. Stepping into Sam's house was like stepping into a mansion. His mother redecorated every weekend so we always saw something new. And tonight, when we walked in it, was the color tan on the huge tin feet walls. The floor's I think where the only thing that stayed the same throughout the home a redwood stained to perfection. The cartons that hung now on the oversized windows where a heavy material and dark blue color.

"Hey guy's" Sam meet us at the door

"What up man" Josh greets him they do a little handshake

And I hug Sam's neck when they are done, we follow him into the huge theater room. The room was done in a deep red color even the walls where red. I think they when a little overboard with the red in this room. Up ahead through the huge flat screen hung on the wall.

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