Dear.....Oh shit

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So here we where Mia sits beside me playing with her shirt and picking at her fingers. I knew she was nervous so was I. I had told Mia that I would go in there with her if she wanted me to but I thought it best if she go in it alone. I didn't know if she wanted me in there our not she hadn't said either way yet. Every time the door to the back opened up she would jump looking up, I grab her hand holding it telling her yet again everything was going be ok. I mean she didn't have to tell the doctor her whole life story. Today was just to get to know her, and I was nervous because I didn't know what Mia was going to say.

There was a bell at the front glass door that went off every time someone came in that got on my nerves and people would talk so loud when talking to the lady at the front desk. This is a doctors office people keep it down I don't want to hear your business. The walls were a pale blue color with upper windows that looked out at the parking lot. I spotted my truck from my seat and every once in a while I would look out to make sure it was still there. The floor was covered in a red color carpet half way and hardwood oak the other half. There where the men's room and ladies room to one side and a water fantan between them. Then the front counter was a cherry wood I believe with a little window that we had to talk through when we came in. We sit in the waiting room in gray and red chairs. Mine was gray and Mia's was red. There was some that looked like loveseats or small couches that was gray with a red design on them.

The back door opens up again a lady comes out smiling as she leaves, I look over at Mia.

"You alright"


"Don't say you're fine when your not"

"Come back with me just today"
"If they let me"

"I don't think I can do this alone"

I squeeze her hand "You're not alone Mia, you never are"

She smiles

"Mia Lucas" a lady calls

We both stand and head for the door

"I'm sorry sir but only Mia is allowed back," the lady says

I look down at Mia "You ok"

Her eyes find mine "Yeah"

"You got this, I'm right out here"

"I know"

"Hey no biggie right"

She smiles "Right"

I squeeze her hand again then let her go she looks back at me once more before diapering behind the doors. Going over I take a seat, the lady behind the front desk gives me a smile. Yeah ok, I pick up a magazine and start flipping through it. The sound of the front door opening has my head popping up. A girl about my age and a woman walks through the door. My eyes stay on the girl, she's thick, with long brown hair and light eyes. They take a seat close to me and I fold the magazine up my eyes still on the girl.

"Hey" I whisper

She smiles, it's a warm smile "Hey"

"I've never seen you around"

"Home taught"

I nod "That explains it, I'm Josh"


"So you here to see the Doc?"

"My mom"

I nod "Best friend," I tell her "Although I probably need to see her too"

She laughs and it's one of them contagious laughs that you can't help but laugh with.

"What's your friend's name," she asked leaning closer to me

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