New Guy

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The first day back to school was the hardest on all of us I think. Having to get up early after sleeping in all week. And getting back into the swing of things. Mia had to go to Therapy today so she wasn't going to be with us. After I dropped her off at her house this morning I came into school. Now I sit through a boring class wishing I was with Mia right now but mom told me just because Mia misses doesn't mean I get to miss too.

The rest of our stay at the cabin went pretty well I thought I stayed in the room with Mia two night the whole week and the other nights I spent with Maddie. We fucked and made up even though she still thinks I spend too much time tending to Mia's needs.

Nick and Beth where officially a couple now, I was happy for her that she had found someone. Now we just needed to find Mia, someone. I knew it was hard on her after everything she been through with Seth and then the guy that broke into the house but I felt she needed someone to take her mind off all that.

"Class we have a new student his name is Vance Evens" Mr. Rose introduces the new kid

He's a tall dude well built about my size I guess, short cut black hair and dark eyes they almost look like the same color as his hair. Mr. Rose tells him to take a sit and he comes straight back sitting in the chair to my right. I nod when he looks my way but say nothing to him.

"Josh please tell Vance where we are," Mr. Rose tells me

I smile "Sure, page 31 and that's Mia's seat by the way"

"I'm sure Mia wouldn't mind him sitting there for today Josh," Mr. Rose says

"Your girlfriend" Vance asked

"Best friend" I corrected him

He nods "Well I'll make sure to move sets when she returns"

I smile but it doesn't reach my eyes I don't know what it was about this guy but something just didn't sit right with me. Though out the class he kept trying to talk to me and I tried to be nice but it was just something about him that I just didn't like.

At lunch I told him, he could sit with us just to be nice I didn't want to be rude. He met everyone except Mia, Nick, and Maddie that day. After school, I went to Mia's house that's where I will be staying tonight.

"Mom I'm home" I sing opening the door

"She's in her room," Mrs. Lucas tells me

I nod and head up the doors open so I go on in

"How did it go," I ask


"Don't sound alright"

"I'm not making any progress Josh," she tells me

"Sorry" I go and sit on her bed "We have a new student at school"


"His names Vance, his about my size with black hair and I think his eyes might be black too"

She looks at me funny "Where you checking out the new guy" she smiles

"No, I don't think I like him too much"


"I don't know something about him"

"You just have to give him a chance don't judge a book by its cover," she tells me

"Your right, I mean he did seem like a nice person. I invited him to sit with us at lunch and introduced him to everyone that was there"

"That's good and I get to meet him tomorrow"

"Yeah, and then we can have a party or something and he can meet Nick and Maddie"

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