Ladies Running A Marathon

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Children think that their parents spanking them or putting them in a corner is a bad punishment. But having Mia not talk to me is the worst punishment ever. All week after our dinner date she refused to say more than three words to me at a time. And then it was only to answer my endless questions with a short yes or no. It was driving me crazy. In bed, she would turn to her side and scoot to the edge like I wasn't even there I was almost surprised she didn't ask me to leave altogether. When I would try to put an arm around her she would shrug it off and scoot even further away to the point she was nearly falling off the bed. At school when talking with our other friends she completely ignored me like I wasn't even there. But she did have the decency to tell the others that "Luke" had stood her up. Not that I was an idiot that pretended to be someone I wasn't just because I didn't want her being with someone else.

I thought this punishment was going last forever. It was the beginning of a new week and I laid on my back in my bed. Mia laid on her side, my parents had returned from there travels so they were in their room down at the end of the hall from us.

I was hard, the last time I had sex was with Mia and that was the Friday before our date. My eyes glanced over at her now. I didn't want to upset her or make her any madder than what she was. I turned to my side facing her back.

"Mia you asleep"


I sit up my back against the headboard "How much longer are you going to punish me for what I did?"

She lets out a breath "I don't know"

"I can't do this Mia, if I can't touch you then you're going have to go," I tell her "Because it's killing me"

"I've been thinking"

"About what"

"What you told me to"


"We never really broke up"

I smile at that "I guess we didn't"

"So technically we are still boyfriend and girlfriend"

"I guess we are"

Finally, she turns to me getting to her knees "Do you want to be"

I lick my lips, I don't know what to say. I don't want to hurt Mia. She climbs up closer to me.

"If you don't that's ok, I understand," she tells me 

"I...I don't know" she climbs closer still "We could give it a try"

She's basically in my lap now, our face so close I can smell the cinnamon on her breath.

"Is that what you want"

"I want to be able to touch you, Mia"

She smiles "Then touch me"

It doesn't take her telling me twice my hands go to her waist and I pull her even closer to me. It felt like the first time, and I didn't want to let her go. I pull her down until she sits straddling me. I lean in breathing in her sent that I have messed so much.

"I want to make love to you Mia" I say against her flesh then kiss her tender neck feeling as she shudders "I want to fuck you so bad it hurts" I pull her out arms length "And if you want to try this relationship thing baby I'm all in" a tear slips down her cheek and I reach up whipping it away "Why are you crying"

"Because I'm happy" she smiles I laugh pulling her back to me for another hug "I do want to try" she mumbles against my chest "But I'm scared"

"Baby I'm not going anywhere even if it doesn't work out I'm not going anywhere I promise"

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