Ice Cream and Fish

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Mia started her first monthly at the age of twelve, I was with her through the whole thing. We were alone when she started and I remember thinking my best friend is going to bleed out on me. When our parents got home that night they gave us both the sex talk together. The first one was the worst for her she cried nearly all night. At the age of fifteen, I lost my virginity to a girl named Mary Beth. She was a pretty little girl with red hair and green eyes I thought I was going to marry her one day. Mia started dating Seth, we meet Seth in grade school and automatically became friends with him. He seemed like a nice guy at the time and he even asked me if he could be Mia's boyfriend before asking her out. We were all close and did just about everything together. So when their first date came up we did a double date. We went to my girlfriend's house to watch some movies while her parents went out for the night on a date of their own. They had told us they would be back later to take us home trusting us to be lone in their home. Mary and I had already made our way up to one of the bedrooms already half naked when a crash from the living room stills me I look up.

"It's just the movie Josh" she had told me

Attaching my mouth back to hers I continue kissing her lips hard until a scream breaks us apart. I sit up on the edge of the bed.

"You going tell me that was the movie," I asked her

She grabs my arm before I could get up "What else could it have been, come on, baby if anything they might be kissing"

The next scream is my name and I jump up making my way toward the living room "That wasn't the movie" I tell Mary

What I see when I step into the living room is something no child no matter what age they are should have to see. Mia was bent over the arm of the couch the blue dress she was wearing that night ripped and pulled up over her hips. Her ass exposed for anyone to see as a boy I thought to be our friend pounds into her from behind. I see red and launch forward pushing Seth off her. I hear Mia scream out once again as I started pounding my fist into his face repeatedly.

I didn't hear the sound of the door open when the Beth's walked into the house. The lights turned on but I still pounded my fist into him.

"What is going on here," Mrs. Beth asked

Her husband stepping between Seth and me pulling us apart. The police were called that night we went to court and Seth went to prison. He said that he didn't think it was rape because he didn't have it inside of her vagina. Mia had clung to me after that, she wouldn't go anywhere unless I went with her not even to the bathroom to pee. Then not long after that, the break-in happened, we had finally got to where Mia would stay by her self some and not have to have me around every time she turned around and then that. I still remember her telling me "He didn't rape me I know that's what you're thinking" But the look on her face and the way her body trembled brought back so many memory's of the night with Seth. A set back her mom said just a small one because I didn't have to do everything with her as I did when he raped her. And now Wade, she had been through so much and I knew that recovering from this was going take some time. It took her years just to get over what Seth and the guy that broke into the house had done. I knew this time it might take even longer. When I told her I would wait I meant it, knowing this knowing that it might be years before she is ok again.

It has been nearly three months since Wade they trailed him and put him back into prison we had to go back to court. Mia didn't care for that having to repeat what she had already said over was hard on her than Seth was brought up and so was the break-in as always they just couldn't leave these things out of it. I told mom the first time that I think they like watching Mia cry, after the trail Mia stayed with me at my house for a while. Even though she didn't tell me I knew that she was having bad dreams again even with me right beside her. I would wake up at night when she moved and watch her as she would mumble in her sleep fighting her demons.

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