Good at Picking Them

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That night after school I pull out the little cream colored dress that Josh helped me picked out the night before and with it a matching bra and pantie set that I had bought the weekend before. Laying it all on my bed I head toward the bathroom to shower and save for the night. After a long hot shower, I slip into the little dress than pulled my hair up into a twist letting some of my hair fall freely around my face. Then I put on a little bit of make-up not too much. Josh has told me before I didn't need make-up but I thought it made me look older. After I put some stockings on then slip into a pair of open-toe skin tone sandals. Once done I glace into the full-length mirror on my bathroom door.

Not long I hear my mom shout up at me that Vance is here. Grabbing a small clutch I head down to meet him. He stands to wait on me besides the door wearing white pants and an open white shirt reviling another whiter tank top under it.

"Am I overdressed?" I ask as his eyes wash over me.

"Not at all, you look amazing," he tells me

"You two have fun," mom says with a smile

"Thank you, Mrs. Lucas" he gives her a smile

Taking my hand he leads me out of the house, I am so excited about tonight it's just going to be me and him and we are celebrating my birthday early because he's going out of town the day of my birthday.

"You alright over there," he asked glancing over at me

"Yeah, excited," I tell him

He smiles "I have a couple of surprise for you"

I bite my lip, I really didn't care for surprises the last guy that surprised me hurt me.


"Just wanted to do something for you"

"I don't..."

"Don't say you don't like surprises, I planed this whole night out just for you"

I bite my bottom lip again "I'm just not real big on them," I whisper

"After tonight you will be, trust me"

I give him a smile focusing on the road ahead. When we pull up to the little diner we well are eating at he gets out then pulls me out on his side. I have to just about run to stay up with him, he walks so fast.

"Vance" I call to him

"What," he asked in a deep tone


He pulls me closer to him "Keep up" he tells me kind of snippy

I swallow but do what I have to, to stay up with him. After we have our seat in the diner everything gets quiet. We make our order and wait than eat.

"Thank you," I tell him while we eat

He smiles "Anything for my girl" he leans across taking my hand in his "You look so stunning tonight" I smile "I can't wait to get you alone"

With that promise, I get a little nervous at what he has planned for later tonight. After we eat, he pays and we head out toward the beach.

I leave my shoes and stockings in the car when we get there wanting to feel the sand in my toes. We walk along the shoreline hand and hand.

"It's so beautiful out tonight," I tell him

"Yes it is, come on I have something to show you"

He pulls my hand dragging me toward the wooded area. I look back at the car as we disappear into the darkness.

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