Chapter One

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Six year old Brinley ran down the ally way scared for her life

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Six year old Brinley ran down the ally way scared for her life. She had no clue where she was or where her family was. All she wanted was to be back home with her mother home watching her favorite princess movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. All she knew was that her mother told her to run and that is what she did. As she continued to run she heard footsteps running behind her. She heard them getting closer. Brinley did not know what was going on, all she knew was her mother did not trust these people who were chasing her. That told her not to trust them either. As she made a left turn she saw it was a dead end. She did not know what to do. She turned around and saw a man walking towards her. She noticed one of his arms was metal.

"Please don't hurt me." She whispered. The man said nothing. "What did you do to my mommy?" Brinley asked him. "I want my mommy." She cried as the man kept walking towards her. He grabbed her as she tried to run past him. "Please! I just want my mommy!"

The man took out a needle and pushed it into the nape of Brinley's neck. Suddenly Brinley started to feel dizzy. "N-no. I-I need my m-mommy." She whispered. She stared into the man's eyes. "P-please." The man watched as Brinley passed out in his arms. He picked her up and walked away into the shadows.

~Three years later~

Brinley sat in the corner of her cell. Her knees pulled into her chest. She was shaking due to only wearing a long t-shirt. She heard her cell door open and in walked a Hydra scientist followed by two soldiers.

"Grab her and bring her to the lab." The scientist ordered. The two soldiers walked up to Brinley grabbed her arms and pulled her up. As they walked through the hallway, Brinley could hear the scream of other prisoners there. She was scared to death. The two soldiers strapped her down to the bed and walked away without saying a word. The Hydra scientist walked up to Brinley. He grabbed a needle that was on the table next to the bed.

"W-what are you going to do to me?" Brinley asked in a whisper.

"Nothing much Ms. Becker." The scientist said while turning away. Brinley could no longer see what he was doing. "This may hurt a little." He said turning around. Brinley could see the syringe was now filled with some type of blue liquid.

"N-no. Please. No." Brinley begged but the man did not listen. He stabbed the needled into her neck and pushed the liquid into her. Suddenly she felt her body start to burn up. Brinley bit down on her lip hard to stop her screams from escaping. Tears filled her eyes. The pain was getting worse as the time went on. The Hydra scientist walked towards the door with a smirk on his face. He turned to see tears falling down Brinley's face. He turned back to exit the room. As he closed the door he could hear the screams that Brinley finally let out.

~Seven years later~

Brinley sat in her cell wore out. The past seven years consisted of her being an experiment for the Hydra scientists. She had no clue how she was still alive. From what she had overheard she was supposed to be dead a long time ago. She knew that she was on the verge of dying. She barely got enough food to survive. Just a slice of bread and a cup of water is what her meals consisted of. Brinley barely slept due to every time she closed her eyes a nightmare would appear. Usually, it was about the day she was taken or the experiment that happened to her that day. Brinley was deep in thought when her cell door opened. She looked up to see only one soldier standing there.

'This is different' she thought. The soldier walked over to her and grabbed her arm. He led her down the hallway. She saw that all the empty cells as they passed by. In the last seven years, she was the only survivor. As they walked into the lab she went straight for the bed and laid down. She knew there was no use to fight anymore. Her hope of escaping left a long time ago. As she got strapped to the bed a gunshot was heard coming from outside the room. Brinley jumped not knowing what was going on. Suddenly the door to the lab burst opened and two shots rang out. Brinley looked over to see that both the soldier and the scientist were on the ground dead. She looked towards the door and noticed two men and a woman standing there. The women walked over to her. Brinley tired to scoot back not knowing if she could trust this woman.

"I'm not going to hurt you." The women said as she walked to the side of the bed. "Can you tell me your name?" Brinley stayed silent. The women could tell she was shaking with fear. "I'm agent Carter. Peggy is my first name. I'm going to take these straps off, okay?" Brinley nodded her head. Peggy undid the straps. Once they were off Brinley jumped in her arms. Peggy was shocked at first but then wrapped her arms around her. She heard the sobs coming from Brinley. "It's okay. You're safe now." Peggy whispered into her ear as she continued to hold her. Brinley let go and looked at Peggy.

"M-my name i-is Brinley." She told her. "B-Brinley Becket." Peggy smiled at her.

"Why don't we get you out of here and get you somewhere safe." She told Brinley. Peggy stood up and gave Brinley her jacket. "Here take my jacket. It may be a little cold for you." Brinley gave her a small smile and took the jacket. Peggy put the arm around Brinley and lead her out of the room. The two agents followed behind them.

"You know." One agent said to the other. "For almost a sixty year old, Agent Carter could still kick both of our asses."

~~~Here is chapter one! I am so excited to start writing this book! I loved Captain Marvel and once I came out of the theater I had an idea for this book. The next chapter may be a while for it to come out as I am also working on other stories but don't worry, it will be out as soon as I finish it! Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed. Also who else can't wait for Endgame to come out? ~~~

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