Chapter Two

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Brin woke up trying to catch her breath

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Brin woke up trying to catch her breath. Sweat rolled down her face. Brin has been having the same type of dream for the past couple of nights. Knowing that she would not go back to sleep she decided to get up and get ready for the day. As she walked out of her room she passed one of her best friends Vers' room. She put her ear to the door to listen inside. She heard light snores coming from inside. A smile appeared on her face knowing that Vers is finally getting a good nights sleep. She backed away from the door and continued to walk to the only place she felt most comfortable at. Right before she could knock on the door it opened.

"I had a feeling you would be coming." The man in front of her said.

"You know me so well Yon-Rogg." Brin said smirking. Yon-Rogg stepped to the side and allowed Brin to walk inside. As he closed the door and turned to Brin he pulled her into a hug.

"Are you sure you are okay?" He asked her.

"No." Brin whispered into his shoulder. Yon-Rogg let her go and led her to his bed. He pulled back the covers and both of them got into bed. Brin cuddled up next to him and put her head on his chest.

"What happened this time?" Yon-Rogg asked her.

"I was strapped to a table and this guy, I couldn't see his face, was injecting me with this blue liquid. It felt so real." Brin told him. "I was so scared."

"It's okay. You're safe now." Yon-Rogg said and kissed the top of her head. "It's still pretty early. Why don't you get some sleep."

"But I'm not tired."

"Just try for me, please." Yon-Rogg said.

"Fine." Brin said as she closed her eyes. She felt herself slipping into darkness listening to Yon-Roggs heartbeat.


Brin felt herself being shaken awake. "Brin, wake up." She heard someone tell her. She opened her eyes to see Yon-Rogg looking at her. "Vers most likely will be here any minute. Might as well get up." He told her. As she got out of bed there was a knock on the door. Brin's head snap over to it as Yon-Rogg opened the door.

"Wanna fight?" She heard Vers voice ask Yon-Rogg. Yon-Rogg smirked at her and turned to Brin.

"You coming?" He asked her. She nodded her head and followed him at the door. Vers smirked at her as she exited.

"Another dream?" She asked Brin.

"Yeah. You too?" Brin asked Vers. Vers nodded. "Anything new?"

"No." Vers mumbled as the three of them walked into the training center. Brin and Vers started to throw punches at each other as Yon-Rogg watched on. Brin was easily dodging the punches Vers threw at her causing Vers to start to get angry. Vers was distracted for a second allowing Brin to punch her in the face. Due to the force of the punch Vers was flown backwards.

"I slipped." She said while getting up.

"Right you slipped," Yon-Rogg said to her. "As a result of Brin punching you in the face." Brin couldn't help but giggled a little bit.

"I was already slipping when Brin happened to have punched me in the face. Those two events are not related." Vers said causing both Brin and Yon-Rogg to laugh. Brin looked at Vers and threw a kick without her knowing. In the last second, Vers ducked out of the way. The two of them were back to fighting. Brin was winning which caused Vers anger to rise. As Brin flipped Vers over, she landed on her knees. Brin looked over to Vers' left hand and saw it began to glow. Yon-Rogg looked at Vers.

"Control it." Vers took a deep breath and calmed down. "Lose control again you'll have to commune with a supreme intelligence. There's nothing more dangerous to a warrior and emotion. That goes for both of you." Yon-Rogg said turning to Brin. He winked at her. She took this being allowed to start fighting again. As the two women fought Yon-Rogg continued to talk. "Humor is a distraction and anger, anger only serves the enemy."

Brin punched Vers in the face again making her fall back. Vers had enough and used her energy projection to make Brin fly backwards. As Brin got up, Vers noticed her eyes were blue. Suddenly a bolt of blue energy hit Vers and sent her flying into the wall behind her. Yon-Rogg turned to Brin and noticed her eyes. They were still blue but wide with shock and fear.

"Brin, Brin. It's okay. It's okay." He said to her while holding her shoulder.

"I-I didn't mean to. I-" She said looking at her hands. She was pulled into Yon-Roggs chest. He held her, trying to calm her down.

"It's okay. It's okay." He whispered in her ear. As Brin stood there holding onto Yon-Rogg, Vers was just getting up.

"What? Don't I get a hug?" 

~~~Here is chapter two! I'm so sorry it took forever to put out. Thank you to everyone who has been reading, commenting and voting. It means the world to me! I can not believe that this book has already reached one thousand reads! Again thank you so much! See you in the next chapter!~~~

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