Chapter 7

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The restaurant we went to, La Déjeuner, was wonderful. The floor was sparkling gold, and the walls were a dark, rich purple. The tables were mahogany with chandeliers dangling over each one. The tablecloths were velvet and pink and purple flowers were in clear vases. Under each glass plate laid a white napkin, embroidered with gold string. The forks, knives, and spoons were a shiny silver, the cushions on the chairs were dark green and red, and the restaurant was huge and glowing with people.

When we first arrived, a woman with pale skin and blue hair pours water into our glasses. The water, and excuse me if I sound weird, was marvelous! It was water, but it was better than any water I've had. I wonder if they put sweetener in it, because that's what it tasted like!

The woman hands us our menus. "Hello, I'm Island, and I'll be your waitress. Let me know when you want to order." She says to us, her voice somewhat cheerful.

"Thank you, my dear," the Doctor says. Island walks to a different table.

I look around. The people around is are very odd looking, some have teal hair, some have pale pink skin...but they all have one thing in common.

They're all dressed fancy.

I look down only to realize that I'm in jeans and a purple t-shirt. I have glasses and brown hair, I probably look so out of place!!

People are staring. I can't let that get to me.

I then realize that I am out at a fancy restaurant with the Doctor. Am I on...a date?

No way! I'm sixteen.

I take a look at the menu. "Um..." I start. There are so many choices! It's overwhelming! Should I get the fried shrimp? Or maybe the chicken quesadilla...

Island walks back and drops a red bowl of cheddar biscuits on the table. They look so good! I haven't eaten in so long...

I grab a biscuit and shove it in my mouth, forgetting etiquette and posture. I'm hungry!!

I feel like I just ate something straight from Heaven. It's the perfect amount of crispness, cheesiness, and whatever other ingredients are in it.

I take another one and rip it open. I smell it. It smells so good, this is probably the best food I've ever eaten!

After I've demolished all but one, I realize the Doctor hasn't looked up from his menu. "Doctor?" I ask. "Are you okay?"

"Of course, Darling." He sings. "Oh, the many choices on the menu, I can hardly decide!"

"Did you have a cheddar biscuit, yet?" I ask.

He looks at the one. "No." And then he reached out and takes a bite. "Mmm!" He exclaims. I stare enviously at the biscuit in his hand, and then Island comes back.

"Have you decided what you want?" She asks.

The Doctor looks at his menu and then looks at me. I shrug. "Surprise us!" He says to the waitress. "Give us your best dish."

A while later she brings us our meals.

My dish was sliced ham, with brown sugar that made it taste like maple syrup. The pineapples on it gave it and extra tang of flavor, along with a gorgeous look! I also had fluffy white mashed potatoes covered in fresh chives and salt.

The Doctor got some stew, that had chicken, carrots, kidney beans, and celery in it. I'm pretty sure it had some mushrooms in it, too.

Our meals were absolutely delicious! I ate every last bit of ham off of my plate, and finished the Doctor's soup when he said he was full. It was a glorious. The whole experience was glorious!

And I didn't even get to desert yet.

When our desert came, again, the Doctor asked the waitress to surprise us, I could hardly breath.

Three words. Red. Velvet. Brownies.

They were delicious, even better the the cheddar biscuits!! Sweet and savory at the same time, oh, I could hardly stand it.

The bill comes and I start to panic.

It came to about 100 dollars.

The Doctor looks at the bill. "Oh, um, I didn't bring cash!" He yells. Island looks confused.

"Why do you need cash?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"You see," he starts, and I sense a mischievous scheme coming on. "Emma and I made a tradition, where everywhere we go, food wise, we must pay in cash. Can I just run to an ATM and come back?" He asks, so politely.

Island looks suspicious. "Not a chance. Who are you to say that you'll come back? I can't trust you."

He laughs. "Nonsense. I'll leave Emma."

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