chapter two

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a/n: thanks for the comments! i'm so excited that it's finally coming back on tonight! i heard there's supposed to be some stellaride... here's chapter two!

Serveride's POV:

The doors to the hospital open and doctors rush over. "Sir we're going to need you to step back," a nurse says. I nod, knowing that i'll just be in the way. I step back and watch. How could this have happened. Maybe if I would've suggested her to help us instead of go inside, this wouldn't have happened. "She's going again," I hear Dr. Halstead's voice say. Finally, a familiar face. After waiting a few seconds and hearing the shock, he spoke again, "She's back, get her to the OR."

They started wheeling her out and down the hall. I rushed over, grabbing her lifeless hand walking beside her. "You're going to get through this," I say under my breath. Once they entered the doors, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning around, I face Dr. Rhodes. "Is she going to make it?" I ask him. "Hopefully, but it's honestly hard to tell. She's in pretty bad shape. She has broken ribs, which may have punctured a lung. That would probably explain the lack of oxygen. Her leg is shattered and there's some internal bleeding. That's just the beginning, we won't know more until we open her up," he explains. "Okay, thank you," I say, feeling some tears dwelling. He nods and runs through the doors.

I walk into the waiting room and sit in one of the chairs, covering my face with my hands. Brett and Foster sat beside me once they had finished the paperwork. I think over the scenario over and over, trying to find ways I could've prevented it. I hear the doors open and the sound of boots getting closer. "Hey," Casey said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, "How is she?" I shrug, "Pretty bad. A few broken ribs, one that might have punctured a lung, broken leg, and bleeding," I say. "Is she going to make it?" Cruz asks. "I don't know. We won't know a lot until they operate. But, she did crash again when we got here," I say.

Everyone looked down when he said that. Brett started crying and I could see Foster tearing up too. They all had gotten really close recently. 

A few hours later, everyone was still there in the waiting room. Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Halstead appeared from the door that lead into the OR. Once everyone saw them, they stood up to meet them. "How is she?" Herrmann asked. Dr. Halstead sighed before talking, "Unfortunately, Kidd slipped into a coma during surgery." Everyone was silent, except for the few gasps and sniffles. "We were able to reinflate her lung that was punctured and repair it. Her broken ribs will heal with time. Her leg may take a while to get back to normal, but I'm optimistic about it. She had some bleeding in her abdomen but we were able to stop it. At this point it's just a waiting game to see when, or honestly if she wakes up. It's really had to come back from all of this," Dr. Rhodes explained. "She's a fighter. She'll get through this," I say. "When can we see her?" Otis asked. "She's in critical condition, so once she becomes stable, you can," Dr. Rhodes said. Boden spoke up, "Thank you." They both nodded and walked away.

"Are you okay? I know that's kind of a lot to hear." Casey asked me once Rhodes and Halstead left. "Yeah, it's just, I didn't think this was going to be the end," I say. "It won't be," Boden added in. "She'll get better and you'll live your happily ever after," Herrmann said, joining us. I shot him a confused look. "She's not as okay as she might look after the breakup. She still loves you," he explains. Those words hurt. The fact that she still loves me, but I might never be able to tell her I love her back. I just put my hand on my head, and walked outside. "I need some air," I say, walking away.

I sat outside for while. It felt like an eternity but in reality it was only an hour. Brett appeared from around the corner, giving me a small smile. "Hey, mind if I join you?" she asks. I pat the concrete next to me and she hopped up onto the side. "You know it's not your fault right?" she asks after a second, looking over at me. I look down at my shoes, "I just feel like if I had stepped in and not let her go inside, this wouldn't have happened," I explain. "There's nothing you could've done to stop her. If you would've said something or not, she still would've run in. That's just Stella," she said. I smile a little, that is Stella. She does what's best for others, not herself. "And don't be angry with Casey for sending her in. He's beating himself up just as much as you," she adds. I thought about that. I never blamed Casey. It's his job to give orders, he doesn't know what the outcome will be. He sent her in because he knew that she could handle it. I nod, "I don't blame him either," I say. She gives a pat on the back and starts to walk back inside. "It's really cold, do you want a coffee?" she asks. I shake my head, the last thing I need is to be awake all night.

It was nearing about nine and I was still at the hospital. Most everyone had left besides, Boden, Casey, and Brett. "Hey, you all can go. It will be a while before we can see her or know anything so might as well leave," I say to them. "Are you sure?" Boden asks. I nod, "I'll be fine, don't worry." They all nodded and left, each of them giving me a pat on the shoulder before leaving.

I waited a while longer. I had fallen asleep at some point because I remember Dr. Rhodes calling my name which woke me up. "Kelly, it's getting late. Are you sure you don't want to go home?" he asks me. I shake my head. "No, i'll be worrying whether I'm here or there," I say. Dr. Rhodes hesitates, "She's almost stable. She hasn't flatlined since before surgery, so I guess you can see her. Only one person though," he says. I stand up, "Thank you," I say. He guides me to the floor her room is on.

I reached her room and opened the door slowly. My eyes immediately were focused on her. She was hooked up to all kinds of machines. Her leg in a cast and various monitors beeping. I felt the tears coming again but this time I didn't stop them. "Stella," I said, walking closer to her. I pulled the chair that was there closer to her bed and sat. I grabbed her hand, careful to not mess up anything or hurt her. We stayed like that for the rest of the night, falling in and out of sleep.

a/n: there's chapter two! i hoped it was decent lol. -honey

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