chapter four

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*a month later

Severide's POV

It's been close to a month since Kidd's accident. She's been in the hospital the whole time and hasn't left her room pretty much. The doctors were concerned about her internal bleeding and her leg so they kept her a lot longer then expected. She's finally getting discharged today. She's staying with me while she's recovering since she lives alone and as far as I know, doesn't have family.

I head over to the hospital and into her room, which was for the most part packed up. "Here, let me help you," I say, running over to help her put away the last of her things. "I'm fine, but thanks," she says, solemnly. "Look, I know you like to be badass, but you're injured, let me help you," I say, looking her in the eyes. She finally agrees by handing me her things.

Once her stuff was put away, I help her into her wheelchair, and we get her discharged. I help her into the car and we start driving. "How's your leg?" I ask when I see her wincing in pain. "It's okay, just sore and stiff," she responds. I nod in response. The doctors had put her leg in a cast for a few weeks but once she got it off, she still couldn't feel it. They concluded that she had slight paralysis in her left leg, causing it to feel numb. It will go back to normal after some physical therapy and time luckily.

"Where are we going?" she asks when I make a wrong turn. "You'll see," I say with a smile, leaving her confused. When we pull up to our destination, she turns to me, giving me a small smile. "Is it shift?" she asks. I nod as I help her out of the car.

We approach the firehouse and familiar faces appear. All of them started clapping with huge smiles on their faces. "Hey Kidd!" Cruz says, pushing his way to the front. "We're glad you're here," Casey said, placing a hand on her shoulder. Boden gave his confirmation by giving her a head nod. We guide her into the common room, which had a "Congratulations!" banner hanging and food platers on the counter. A big grin appeared on her face. "You did all of this, for me?" She asked. "Yeah, we wanted to know how appreciated you are and how much we missed you," I said, rubbing her arm.

Everyone scattered, it had been a slow shift so there hadn't been any interruptions so far. I was finishing my plate when I was pulled into the hallway by Herrmann and Casey. "What are you two doing?" I ask when they let go of me. "So, have you told her?" Herrmann asked. I hesitate a second before speaking. "You haven't? You said you were going to," Casey said before I could answer. "What did I tell you time is precocious, make sure you don't have any regrets," Herrmann adds. "I know," I finally say,"It's just that, she's had a lot on her plate which all of her medical issues and not being able to walk. I don't want to stress her out more." Both of them think for a second. "But, she still is in love with you," Herrmann says finally. I give a small nod. "Just promise you'll talk to her," Casey says. "I promise, I say. Both of them walk into the common room. I follow behind but stop before entering. I look through the window and look for Kidd. I finally see her in the corner of the dining table talking to Brett and Foster. A little smile appears on my face. "I'll tell her," I think to myself.

We finally get to the apartment and settle in. "Do you want anything?" I ask her as I walk into the kitchen. She shakes her head,"No, I'm good," she answers. "You sure?" I question, "You don't want a drink or a snack-" "Kelly, I'm fine," she interrupts. "Okay," I say, holding my hands up.

I sit next to her on the couch and turn on a movie. It's an older film, one we used to watch when she lived here a while ago. I look over to see her readjusting her pant leg on her hurt leg. "Can I?" I ask, offering to help. She nods in response. I pull up her leg to reveal deep cuts and bruises that are still there. There's a huge scar below her knee from where they had operated. I take a quick breath before rolling her pant leg back down. I didn't know her leg looked anything like that.

"Hey Stella, can I talk to you?" I ask her halfway through the movie. "Yeah sure, what's up?" she said. "Well, I've been thinking a lot lately," I start. "Really? That's a first," she interrupts, laughing. "Ha ha, let me finish," I say. She motions her hand to move on. "So, I hesitate now before running into burning buildings. Before a rescue, I think back to make sure I don't have any regrets, just in case something goes wrong. And, I don't want any. I was recently reminded how fast everything can change and how lives can end in a second, so I don't want to hold anything back," I continue,

"But, I still love you,"

a/n: lol sorry i left you on a cliffhanger. i'll probably update before next week so you'll find out what happens. sorry about chapter one. idk why it deleted half of it. i'm either going to try to find the old version or rewrite it so it might be a little before i fix it. also can we talk about last episode? foster literally told severide to back off and i'm a little mad about it. but the trailer looks so good! i don't want to wait a few weeks but hopefully it will be worth it. i'm just worried kidd's going to get shot or something. -honey

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