chapter eight

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a/n: sorry it's been so long! i've been on vacation and the wifi there is nonexistent so i haven't been able to write. but, i'll be updating a lot so don't worry!

*a week later

Kidd's POV:

Today was my first shift back at the firehouse. I got my brace off two days ago and passed my physical yesterday. Severide and I drove to the firehouse. The drive was silent. It wasn't a peaceful silent though, it was almost tense and nervous. But, it was also kind of nice. "You okay?" he asks when we park. I nod. "Stella, you don't have to always be so tough, it's okay to be nervous. A roof did fall on you," he says placing a relaxed hand on my tense shoulder. I nod at his words and speak. "Thank you, for everything. You really didn't have to do all that," I say. "Yeah, but, who else can take care of you?" he says. I smile and kiss him on the lips before opening my car door and standing outside. Severide wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walk inside.

When we enter the firehouse, I immediately head to the locker room. I put all of my stuff away and see Severide's head around the corner. "Ready?" he asks. I nod and walk with him. We walk to the common room. I try to slide in quietly, but Cruz had other plans. "Kidd!" he shouts and runs over with Brett and Otis. "I'm so glad you're here, Foster and I have been lonely," Brett says hugging me. Cruz and Otis both hug me and then Casey walks over. "Good to have you back," he said giving me a tight hug. "Thank you," I say. Tuesday runs into the room and over to me. "Tuesday! I've missed you," I say rubbing his head. "Also Kidd, Boden wants you in his office," Casey says. "Okay," I say. I head out and walk down the hall over to his office.

I knock on the door before opening it. "Chief?" I say as I open the door. "Stella! Welcome back," Boden says. I close the door behind me, "Thank you. It feels great to be back," I say. I sit down in one of his chairs. "How are you feeling?" he asks. Physically, 100%, mentally, a little more shaken then I thought, if I'm being honest," I say. "That's normal, it's okay to have things shake you, even if you don't like it," he says. I nod laughing slightly. "I'm going to put you on a light shift for a few days, just to allow your body to ease into the job again," he says. I nod,"Thank you Chief," I say. "No problem," he says. As I stand up and begin to walk out, the bell goes off. "Welcome back," he saids. "Thank you," I laugh.

I quickly run over to the truck and put on my gear. I hop in and Otis starts driving. "Kidd, you ready?" Casey asks. "I'm more than ready," I say. We drive for a few minutes until arriving at an intersection. We all hop out and analyze what's happening. "What happened?" Casey asks. "I was at the stop light and then all of a sudden a car blew through it and ran into oncoming traffic," the witness said. I look over to my right and there are two cars pretty beat up. A red one who's left side is smashed. The black one looks like the one that ran the light, the whole front of the car is smashed up. "Kidd, take Ritter on traffic control," Casey orders. I nod and run over with Ritter. "Okay people, back it up. Give us some room," I say.

"Hey!" I hear Herrmann call. "The driver of the car is missing," he shouts. I look around the crowd and see a man who has a bruise on his face and who's head is slightly bleeding. I start going towards him but he catches on and takes off. "Hey," I shout chasing after him. I finally catch up to him and by then Casey, Herrmann, and Otis joined me. They took him over to the ambo. Casey stayed a little behind. "Hey, you good?" he asks. "Yeah," I say out of breath. "Good job," he says smiling and heading back towards the truck. I walk over to the ambo and see the guy trying to break away. "Sir, I'm going to need to you stop moving please," Brett says. "How is he?" I ask. "He's got some bruising and a head laceration, but other than that he's fine. Just annoying," Foster says. "And the victim?" I ask. "She's got some cracked ribs and a broken ankle but she's fine. Her daughter was in the backseat and all she has is a broken arm," Foster says. "Good," I respond. "Okay, let's load him up," Brett says. They move the driver in the back and take off.

We drive back to the firehouse and start to head inside. "Hey, how'd it go?" Severide asks before I could walk in. "Really well, a driver blew through a light and hit a mom and daughter but all of them made it out with no long-term injuries," I say. "Not only that, but she chased after the driver and stopped him," Herrmann adds as he walks by. "Well, that's one way to be welcomed back," he says. I laugh at him and he jokingly pushes me as I walk back inside. I sit at the table watching Brett make lunch while Cruz and Otis mess with her. I look over and see Mouch watching tv with Herrmann and Ritter, Tuesday curled up next to him. Finally, I'm home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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