chapter five

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Severide's POV:
"I still love you," I say, looking over at Kidd. She turns to me with a confused look. "What?" she says. "I want us to be together again, I can't stop thinking about you," I say.
She paused before answering,"Kelly, we've been down this road before. Unless you're going to be committed it can't happen again," she says. I sigh,"I'll try, just, give me another shot please," I practically beg. She nods,"Okay, but we're going to take things slowly, it might take me a while before we get to how we used to be," she says. A smile grows on my face. We sit with my arm around her for the rest of the movie.
The next morning I wake up and walk down the hall. I look into Kidd's room to see her still asleep. I have shift in an hour or two so she's going to be alone for a day and night which I'm not too keen on. I grab a granola bar, and go to grab my bag. Kidd emerges from the hallway on her crutches. "Hey, how'd you sleep?" I ask her. She shrugs,"A little rough but nothing I can't handle," she says. I smile at her response. "You know, if you don't want to be alone, you can come to shift with me. I'm sure Boden won't mind," I say. She thinks for a second before answering,"Actually that sounds great, thanks," she said.
I help her get ready to go and we head to the firehouse. The car ride was silent, but nice. We approach the firehouse and Herrmann meets us outside. "Look who's here," he said, walking over to Kidd. "Yeah, the apartment was lonely so I decided to pay a visit for the day," she says. We walk in to the common room and are immediately greeted by Brett and Foster.
"You're here!" Brett said, running to give her a gentle hug. "I have so much to fill you in on," Foster says doing the same. "You go, I'll put your bag away," I say. "Okay, thanks," she said, making her way to the table.
I walk in the locker room and start to put our stuff away. Casey walks in and looks at me. "What are you so happy about?" he asks. I look around before answering. "Kidd said she's going to give me another shot," I say with a smile. "That's great," Casey said, giving me a pat on the back.
Shift was a quiet one. Not too many calls just a few transports and assists. I was grabbing a few of my things from my office when I was getting ready to leave, when Brett, Cruz, and Foster made their way in. "Do you need something?" I asked when they didn't say anything. "So, you and Kidd?" Foster asked. A small smile escaped my lips. "Yeah, can you believe it?" I said. "Last time was rough, don't do that to her again," Brett said. I nod. "Are you going to properly ask out somewhere?" Cruz asked. "Yeah, I was planning on asking to a proper date tonight," I say. "Good luck," Brett said with a soft tone.
Kidd and I went to my car and started to drive. "So uh, how would you feel going out tonight?" I ask. "Like a date?" she asked. "Yeah, but if you aren't feeling up to it don't worry about it," I say. "No, it sounds perfect," she said looking at me smiling. I smile back, looking into her eyes. Realizing how much I missed looking into them.
We got back to the apartment and watched tv most of the day. Around five, we started getting ready. I put on a black button down and some black pants with a navy jacket. I combed through my hair and walked out by the door. Kidd emerged from her room on her crutches. She was wearing a blue dress with some black flats. Her hair natural and light makeup. "You look amazing," I say, putting a smile on her face. "I could say the same about you," she said. We stared at each other for a few minutes until my phone went off, breaking the stare. It was a text from Cruz asking how everything went. I sent a quick reply and we head out.
We arrived at the restaurant and sat at our table. "Here, let me help you," I say, helping her into her chair. "Thanks," she said trying to get comfortable. "How's your leg?" I ask. "It's alright. I still can't move it or really feel anything, but the brace is helping the aching," she says. "When do you start physical therapy?" I ask. "Next week," she said. "And how are you doing?" I ask. "I just said my leg is still paralyzed practically," she responds jokingly. "I meant mentally," I ask. She shrugs, "I don't know, I mean, I've been in near death situations before. But that one felt different. That was the only time I didn't think I would make it through," she said. I grabbed her hand. "Well, you're here now," I say.
We ate our meal and walked to the deck outside. The restaurant looked over the city. The stars particularly stood out tonight. We made our way to the railing and looked out at the city for a while. I turned my head in her direction. She did the same. Without thinking I leaned in and gave her a kiss. She didn't pull back for a few seconds. She looked at me surprised and then smiled.
It's finally happening again.

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