chapter six

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a/n: ahh sorry i've been gone. i've had finals and still have some but after next week i'll be out of school and will be updating more frequently. sorry this one is short, i wasn't sure where i was going with it lol. also tonight is the season finale and i'm STRESSED, but it's fine lol, hope you like it!
Kidd's POV:
"Ow," I say under my breath, hitting everything in my path. I grown tired of these crutches and can't wait to be off them. "Hey, do you need help?" I hear Severide say when he enters the kitchen. I shake my head. "No, I'm fine, I can do it," I say. "Here," he says, handing me my phone charger. "Thanks," I say  "But I could have done it." He leans in and gives me a kiss. "I know, but I wanted to help," he says. I blush slightly and make my way over to the couch. "Want to order takeout tonight and watch a movie?" he suggests. "How about we order takeout and have an honest conversation," I say. He gives me a confused look. "I mean let's ask each serious and personal questions so we don't hold anything back. I know that's for both of us to do, especially you but, I think it's best that we talk about it," I say. "You're right. We should because, now that I think about it, I don't know a whole lot about you," he says jokingly. "I'm serious," I say. "Okay, how about we both make a list of questions to answer, deal?" he says. "Deal," I say.
A few hours later, Severide had gone to pick up the food. I quickly go over my list of questions before he answers them. Being satisfied, I check my phone to see a text from him. It was a picture of the food buckled in the seat saying "It's safe." I quickly respond with a "you're an idiot." Laughing, I turn off my phone and await his arrival.
When he got back, he brought the food over and placed it in front of us. "Who wants to go first?" He asked. "You can," I say. He nods, grabbing his paper. "Why did you want to be a firefighter?" he asks. "I got into a car I shouldn't have and in the hospital I decided I wanted to help people," I answer. "You're turn," he says. I read over my paper. "How many people from the CFD have you dated?" I ask. He thinks for a second. "Five," he answers honestly. "Do you have a family? Because you never speak about them," he says. "My mom and dad died in a car accident when I was a teenager. I have a brother, but he doesn't talk to me anymore because of the whole situation with them," I say. He places a reassuring hand on my leg. "When you were engaged, did you honestly feel nothing?" I ask. He hesitated before saying anything. "I'm sorry, that was probably too far," I said. "No, it's fine," he said. "Basically, I wasn't in a good place. I had just lost someone close to me and so had she. I probably had one drink too many and ended up in the courthouse. At the time I was in love but looking back now, it was dumb, really dumb so please don't worry. The past is in the past," he explains. "Okay," I say letting a smile leave my lips. "Why are you giving me another chance?" he says. "Honestly, I don't know. Last time really broke me but theres something about you. I don't know what it is but it doesn't go away, ever," I say. He looks at me for a second before leaning in and kissing me. I felt butterflies, I looked back at him and placed my head on his shoulder. I felt the weight of his head on mine before drifting off to sleep.

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