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Jeongin and Jisung walked into Chan's apartment, taking off their coats thanks to the heater. "Changbin's going to drink so much today," Jisung says, sighing - earning a nod from the blonde. "Hm? Why so?" Jeongin asks, confused. "He got rejected today. You know, by that cute guy from your favourite cafe? What's his name? Philips?" Jisung says, flopping down onto Chan's couch. "Felix? But, I thought things went well?"Jeongin says, slightly pouting. "Ah! That's his name. Yeah, I though so too, but I guess no-" Jisung was about to finish his sentence when the door slams open and a pouting Changbin appears. Chan's eyebrows rise and he stops pouring beer, looking at Changbin who dramatically sobs loudly, although there were no tears. Jeongin runs to his comfort, hugging him and patting his back. "Waa! H-He flirted with me, led me on and then just rejected me like that!" Changbin says with closed eyes as he whines loudly. "Dude you're a mess." Jisung tells him with a laugh, only to stop from fear when Changbin opens his eyes and glares at him over Jeongin's shoulder. "Y'all are fakes, Jeongin is the real one." Changbin says as he sobs.

"Dude slow down," Chan tells him as Changbin downs the beer without hesitation, making Jeongin watch in concern. "Don't 'ell m- me wut chu do." Changbin slurs, his head tilting back. "Jeez, he likes Philips so much huh?" Jisung says, looking at Changbin with judging eyes. "HIS NAME IS FELIX!" Changbin shouts at Jisung, making the boy hold two of his hands up in defence. "His name.. iz Felix.. with an F and an X.. F E L I X... Lee F.." Changbin doesn't get to finish his sentence as he was already dozing to sleep. "Aww, poor guy." Jeongin looks at Changbin with a frown. "Jisung, get the blanket from my bedroom. You know Changbin's favourite? The grey one." Chan tells Jisung, who nods his head and marches towards the blonde's bedroom.

"He always drinks like crazy when something goes wrong." Chan tells Jeongin, who nods understandingly. "CHAN!! THERES A BEAST ON YOUR BED!" Jisung shouts running out the bedroom, pointing shakily at the door. "Oh, you mean the dog?" Chan asks, raising one eyebrow. "YEAH!" Jisung nods nonchalantly, with wide eyes. "It's my dog." Chan says, taking a sip of beer. "You got a dog?!" Jisung and Jeongin chime at the same time, looking like puppies with perked ears -ironically. "Yeah," Chan shrugs his shoulder with a straight face. "Chi come here." Chan whistles, making a dog bolt out the door towards Chan. "So adorable!" Jeongin says, scooting closer towards Chan to pet the dog.

"It's actually my friend, Jaebum's- from the tattoo shop, remember? dog, he couldn't keep it due to new rules in his apartment, so I volunteered to keep it."


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