chapter 8 (Edited)

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You told Ethan about the eviction notice.

"I don't understand?" You were sitting on the sofa, phone pressed tightly against your ear as you shook your head. "I paid this month's rent."

"Maybe the neighbors filed a noise complaint?"

"I doubt the neighbors called the manager to complain of a YouTuber who screams recording videos?" You scoff, "One: they are kind. Two: they don't care that I'm loud. And three: don't assume."

"It was just a guess."

You sighed. "The only thing I can think of is rent not paid on time." You stood off the sofa and made your way towards the kitchen. You pulled out a loaf of bread, cheese and a slice of ham. "That can only be the reason."

"Does it say anything about why you're being kicked out?"

"Of course! You think I was given a blank eviction notice?!" You snapped. After coming home to an eviction notice taped on your door, you were beginning to stress out.

You may be a YouTuber with hundreds of dollars to afford renting another apartment, but you liked living in the current apartment. You rented it out when you moved from your old home, (hometown). And now, you were being evicted!

"If you can't find another apartment, you could always stay with me."

"No, no, no!" You denied. "This apartment is my responsibility! I can't just move in! I'd feel such a burden." You confess.

"(Y/N), it's fine," Ethan assures. "You won't be a burden. I care about you. You've helped me when I need it, so I'm returning the favor. You have no choice but to stay with me."

You chuckle. "You never change, Ethan. Don't ever change, because you're a good person. I shouldn't deserve a good friend much like yourself."

You don't deserve much kindness - his kindness. The kindness that makes him... Well, Ethan. He was always there for you when you are for him. It makes you vulnerable.

"Don't say that!" He scolds. "You deserve to be happy!"

You stacked the cheese and ham into the two pieces of bread. "Whatever." You mumble as you took a bite, chewing several times before swallowing.

x x x x x x

You got off the phone with Ethan a while ago, after a heated argument.

In the past, you would argue over the smallest of things. Like when he stole your favorite stuffed animal. He played it off as "borrowing it" when you saw him take it. You didn't speak to him for weeks.

When he saw how angry you were, he felt guilty. You were his best friend. He hated seeing you angry. So he gave back the stuffed animal, apologized, and asked if you were still friends.

"Of course we're still friends," you told him while holding the stuffed animal. "Please don't take my things again, or else I won't talk to you for months."

After that, you became close friends, almost inseparable. You guys did everything together. Helped each other with relationships, gave one another comfort, which turned into watching a movie and eating snacks.

Not once have you thought of dating your best friend. No. That would be awkward. You didn't want to ruin the relationship you had. It would tear you to pieces if that kind of friendship died away.

Ethan was your best friend. He meant the world. If it meant screwing your friendship to tell him how you feel, so be it. You had Mark, Tyler, Amy and Kathryn. Even your fans were considered friends.

You recall memories of Ethan being there at your worst. The heartbreak, the passing of a relative you were close to. All those times he was there at your moment of need, he made you smile and laugh. He made you forget everything.

You shook your head, groaning, as you stood from the sofa. You walked towards your room, pulled out a suit case, and began to fill it with clothes. If you were being evicted, and Ethan was giving you a place to stay, might as well take the offer.

Edited: September 4, 2020

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