Chapter Ten (A Short Short Short Chapter)

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"Hi..." Someone says at the other end of the line.

"Mary?" I ask, confused and desperate. Does she want me back?

"I need to ask you something..." She says, nervous and awaiting.

"Yes. Anything!"



"Do you think wearing a bikini to the pool party would be okay? Like am I too fat?" She asks.

I want to cry. My ex-BFF called to see if a bikini would look good?!

After all she's done to me?!

"Yes!" I yell into the phone. "You're a fat friend! A bad friend! A terrible friend! The Worst friend ever! And now you want advice on how fat you are?"

I hear Mary whimper.

"We'll if that's how you feel," she starts, but I hang up first.

I crash onto my DKNY bed and cry. I HATE HER!


"Good morning, Stella," Aunt Irwice greets me the next morning.

"Good morning," I say. It's not a good morning. The pool party is today.

"Ah," Great Grandma starts, "A good morning is a good..."

"Life." I finish flatly. I'm too sad to bask in the love of my family.

The phone rings.

"Hello?" My mom asks. "Oh hello Genni! Nope, Stella is NOT available at the moment! Nope, she is NOT coming to your sculpturing today!

No, hon, she's not eating slimy-pancakes. No, no, ok, of course. Goodbye."

"MOM!" I whisper yell. My throat is sore from the phone call yesterday.

"Honey," She interrupts. "We need to talk."

I know we do. It's going to be a long one.


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