Three days had passed, the start of term come and gone, and the only thing heard throughout Hogwarts were the murders.
Currently owl post had been suspended but the students were told there was simply an 'issue' concerning the owlery. Anyone with any sense knew that the school was aiming for a massive cover up and those who didn't were swiftly informed by the Ravenclaw's.
Cassidy's parents had arrived spectacularly, her mother slapping an irate Mcgonagall, before collecting her body for a funeral. Her father - a stoic man - glared at everyone in sight before having a short conversation with Snape.
Nobody knows what happened with Ron. The Weasleys didn't make a huge scene like they normally would, Ginny and the twins had been whisked out the castle for an unknown amount of time. Everything surrounding them was handled quietly and as quickly as possible.
Hermione ran on fumes, doing anything she could to figure out who had murdered the pair - with absolutely no luck. There were times when Harry thought she would collapse from sheer exhaustion, not to mention the amount of meals forgotten.
Harry, himself, had gone 'mute', the entire castle believing that he couldn't speak. It worked for him, no one pressed him for answers and he didn't have to look so happy all the time. In fact the first time he even smiled slightly Gryffindor ostracized him for a day.
Then only massive change in the castle was two of its houses mourning - though it was suspected that Slytherin didn't truly grieve for its member.
Although Harry and Hermione were given a week off (it being day three of their break), neither of them truly relaxed or grieved.
Hermione, as mentioned, worked to the bone - worse than third year and the workload she took upon herself then. Harry however continued to decipher his strange dreams of doors and tiled corridors.
So far the only places Harry could think off was the Chamber itself, not having seen enough of the Wizarding world to truly know any places.
He contemplated subtly questioning someone but couldn't think of who, besides Hermione, would know and the girl was always away traipsing through the castle like an annoying bloodhound. Plus he couldn't risk it without anyone finding out that he wasn't mute and right now not having to talk to someone was amazing.
On the last day of their break, Harry was catching up on some much needed sleep, only to be woken up by Hermione.
He glared at her, watching her scowl briefly before coughing lightly.
"The Weasleys are holding a funeral. We aren't invited, however Molly said we could go later." She muttered, sounding pained, for the first time Harry thought of what Hermione and Ron's relationship was like. They were fake with him, but they could've been a lot closer than anyone thought. "Is that okay?"
Harry turned away, letting his silence act as an answer. He didn't want to go, to have to stare at a block of stone and pretend to grieve for the person he'd killed. To act like he wasn't incredibly happy that Ron was gone or knew that his supposed surrogate family were nothing but liars and thieves.
"Ill take that as yes." She decided, misinterpreting him completely, the girl wasn't every looking at him - staring out the window instead. "Harry you can't stay here forever, you have to come down sometime. Do it for Ron? He wouldn't want you sulking, trapped in some stuffy dorm."
New Beginnings
FanfictionHarry discovers his friends true colours after narrowly escaping death. Weeks into the summer he journeys to Diagon Alley and discovers more truths about himself. There Harry will make a decision that will change the world for better or worse. Disc...