Chapter 7

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"Good morning children."

The class grumbled, the first to have Defence with Umbridge and the first to actively plot homicide against their new teacher by the end of class. No one knew if she'd even make a good teacher, just that the ministry had basically got someone to spy on the castle for them.

"Ordinary Wizarding Levels examinations" She trilled, heels clacking against the floor loudly. "O.W.L more commonly known as OWLs."

She was at the front at this point, staring them down with cold eyes masked with a fake smile. There was no way in hell she'd volunteered for the job, that much was clear.

"Study hard and you will be rewarded, fail to do so and the consequences may be severe." Umbridge made sure to look specifically at several students at the last part. There was small flick of her wand and the books on her desk floated down the aisle, thumping heavily as they landed in fronts of the students. "Your previous instructions in this subject has been disturbingly uneven."

Harry couldn't help but scoff quietly, they'd had a new teacher each year and so the far the best had been a death eater posing as an ex-auror who deliberately kept him alive only to send him to Voldemort and then try to murder him later on. The second best, in his opinion, was Remus who left because Snape revealed that he was a werewolf. There was Snape's stint as a substitute, although amusing to look back on still wasn't great, a turban wearing man who'd let Voldemort possess the back of his head and lastly an idiotic man that obliviated himself with a faulty wand, of course this was the same man who vanished all the bones in Harry's arm. Disturbingly uneven was an understatement.

"You'll be pleased to know that you'll be following a carefully constructed, ministry approved course." There was a smug look on Umbridge's face as the students opened their new books in dread.

Harry, himself, became increasingly concerned with the books contents, this 'ministry approved course' looked as uneven as previous instruction. Everyone realised as well after reading the first pages with dawning horror. Across the aisle Hermione's hand shot into the air, drawing Umbridge's attention away from the horrified students.

"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells." Hermione accused. Harry wandered if she had any other tone apart from Holier-than-thou, condescending and patronizing. All of which sounded similar anyway.

Umbridge's eyes narrowed, her tone patronizing and disturbingly similar to Hermione. "Using defensive spells?" She giggled somewhat demonically. "Why would you need to use spells in my classroom?"

"We're not using magic?" Ron muttered, Umbridge turning to him sharply. The ginger gulped but puffed out his chest.

"You will be learning magic in a secure, risk free way."

Time slowed slightly as Harry pondered between jumping in and being the hot headed Gryffindor he supposedly was or keeping his head down for now.

He was answered when Ron took action.

"Risk free? Not very risk free when we're being attacked."

"Students will raise their hands before speaking!" Umbridge's voice rose in anger. Sensing the sudden shift in topic she tried to appear more in control than she was. 

Ron didn't deign to raise his hand but spoke over her, "you-know-who is back! We need to learn proper defensive spells!"

"Detention!" Umbridge swelled in fury. "This nonsense will end! The dark Lord died fourteen years ago! From now there will be silence, the next person to speak out will join Mr Weasley in detention."

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