Chapter 37

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There was an uncomfortable swooping sensation in Harry's stomach as they spoke, horror spreading through every pore even as he betrayed himself for acting so irrationally.

He knew this day would come.

A few days prior....

Severus had handed off his first year class to Pomona so that he could continue searching through Dumbledore's belongings. He found some addresses which he didn't recognize and would have to see if Tom or Barty did.

Aside from regular junk hoarded over the years, he found a few places where things had obviously gone missing (recalled items from the Potter Vaults, but he didn't know that), a few suspiciously illegal texts, but nothing too incriminating.

Severus wouldn't give up despite the lack of evidence, not when his son was so close.

It felt like all the years had led up to this moment. Except he had yet to find anything at all.

Eventually he happened upon a series of letters sent from Privet Drive, the return address named a Petunia and Vernon Dursley, and he decided to at least read these. He regretted it.

Each letter was a detailed depiction of the days abuse and Severus actually vomited, wanting to rid his mind of the images of Harry, the sweet adorable kid (he'd never say it aloud) being hurt in this way. Muggles could be disgusting but this was a whole new level.

He kept the letters as proof Dumbledore had been allowing the abuse of a child and also for Tom, but only once Harry knew and had okayed it. Severus knew that Harry wouldn't want him telling Tom any of this without his knowledge, although he was prepared for the panic attack that would likely follow.

More things followed, with letters from the Weaselys dating back to Draco's first year and continuously. He found some stolen mail and realised that it hadn't just been Umbridge, although she was glaring obvious about it.

Severus with every failed minute that this would be where someone gave up on their search and tried a new method. But he refused to. The only reason he wasn't going through Dumbledore's memories was that he'd been developing a migraine from all of them and going into a pensieve after having a potion was a horrendous idea.

In a few hours he'd be back at it, but right now he's search in other places.

As he did sl, he felt a thousand staring eyes from previous headmasters and mistress's of Hogwarts, most of them glaring as he tore apart the room they were forced to look at.

"What are you doing?" One headmistress frowned, having given up simply watching. She had a disapproving look but Severus was so close to pulling a Sirius and tearing the painting to shreds.

"trying to find something." he decided to at least be polite. He knew that one day his own portrait would hang near hers.

Phineas spoke up, wanting attention and nothing more, "have you ever considered we might know."

Despite the fact that Phineas didn't really care and just wanted to get some attention, considering Sirius could never speak to him (having to act like he detested Slytherin) and nobody liked Slytherin teachers, students of the snake house where smart enough not to get called into the office, Severus actually paid attention to him.

"Where would Dumbledore hide something precious?"

A Ravenclaw interjected when Phineas opened his mouth, "Why would we tell you?"

"He stole my son from me." Severus didn't spare any portraits a glance, going back to whatever he'd be doing.

Their was a collective silence was telling but before any of them could find anything Barty walked in. They watched as Barty didn't utter a word but slipped into the same routine Severus had.

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