Chapter 18

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Draco woke slowly, the sun shining gently through his windows in rays of soft pink and baby blue. He was groggy, in an half asleep/ half awake state were he wasn't fully aware of his surroundings. 

Blinking dumbly for a few seconds, Draco tried to clear the fog from his sight as he sat up. Only he found that he couldn't sit up properly and when his vision cleared, Draco very nearly passed out again.

Clinging to his side was Harry. The youngers head was over his heart, most of Harry's body on his and harrys arms wrapped around his waist, their legs tangled.

Due to his previous state, Draco hadn't noticed Harry but it was all he think about now.

There was so much space on the bed that Draco knew both of them could lay spread-eagled on it and not touch. The simple fact that Harry was attached to his side was mind blowing but also made him deliriously euphoric.

Gently he shifted, encircling the youngers body with his arms and pulling the blankets up around them at the same time, all the while being incredibly thankful it was the weekend. 

Draco was sure Harry would be purring if he was a cat but the younger simply sighed softly and burrowed his head into Draco's chest, illiciting a very warm feeling in the blond.

His last thought before he drifted off to sleep was that he never wanted the moment to end.

The next time Draco woke up, he found that Harry was stirring quietly. He'd taken Harry's glasses off so the younger was practically blind and very disoriented.

Harry must've thought he was in Gryffindor tower because he blindly gripped at the sheets awkwardly, realising slowly that he wasn't in Gryffindor at all.

Slowly, so as not to scare Harry, Draco picked his glasses up off the counter and put them on the younger. 

It took a few seconds for Harry to take in his surroundings except he reacted differently to what Draco had thought.

Harry shrieked and moved backwards quickly, accidentally falling off the bed in his embarrassment. 

"Harry! Calm down!" Draco scrambled to sit next to Harry and comfort him, before he got hurt. "you fell asleep so I put you in my bed." He added bluntly, knowing that anything but the blunt truth would be detrimental the moment.

They finally made eye contact - albeit awkwardly - but neither was overly embarrassed or uncomfortable. 

Harry had been shocked and slow to process what had obscured, resulting in him falling off the bed, but he was fine now. He didn't mind sleeping in Draco's bed or cuddling the blond nevertheless he didn't want to overstep any boundaries. 

He almost spoke then quickly remembered that he shouldn't be able to, times like these made him wonder if he should tell Draco everything. Then he thought about the possible reactions Draco could have and disgust was a prevalent one.

"It's Hogsmeade weekend, are you going?" Draco interpreted Harry's confused expression in what was hopefully the correct way. "Theyre still letting us go, because the staff are pretending nothing happened."

Harry nodded quickly, Draco having answered his silent question perfectly even though he'd added a new piece of usable information.

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