Chapter 45

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Thankfully the rest of the week went by without any more drama and Lucius wouldn't need to magically rid his hair of greys. There wasn't any news regarding Dumbledore, but after only a week no-one would expect a solid lead, hoped yes, but realistically wasn't likely.

Narcissa had been the one to see the boys off at the platform, however all the adults had said their own goodbyes before she'd taken them to the train. With all three Lestranges promising to find the ex headmaster as soon as possible and Tom making sure to hug them extra hard. 

Hogwarts may be protected, but time had proven the castle wasn't currently the stronghold it pretended to be.

Poor Narcissa ended up receiving several glared after openly hugging Harry and whilst his friendship with the Malfoys was well known, there were still some who weren't supportive despite having never talked to either parties.

Draco was forced to ward their compartment door just in case as well as board the train early. Harry didn't mind so much, it meant catching up on some more sleep, but the blond didn't see the silver lining.

In fact the entire trip back to Hogwarts was spent hiding from the rest of the train, despite not many having returned home for the week and both of them having to sneak up into the dungeons before they could be accosted. Of course by then Barty and Severus had stopped by to greet them, something Draco didn't really see a problem in.

Except for some reason Draco was now faced with a mopey Harry, who had someone gone from happy to melancholy without anyone noticing. 

He waited a while for Harry to speak first, deciding to just start unpacking and getting his books ready. Only time flew by and Harry remained as quiet as ever.

"Okay what's wrong?" Draco asked, frustrated beyond belief at Harry's current moping on his bed. The blond couldn't even lie down because Harry had spread himself across the entire mattress.

There was a brief pause as Harry considered his options, "Mum called me baby."

"Barty does that everyday." 

"Yeah, but he tried to kill me." Harry huffed and Draco was definitely lost now.

That had never been a problem for Harry, then again the younger was always good at focusing on other things, mainly anything that concerned his inter-personal relationships. Draco wondered how long it had been bothering Harry before something had snapped and simultaneously realised that Barty hadn't been the only family of Harry's to try to kill him/be generally horrendous to him. After all it had been one of the original reasons he'd hidden his relation from them.

"Okay, where is this coming from? You were never bothered before."

"I know and I wasnt, because they weren't like that for a while before they found out, they were nice, but I can't stop thinking about it now. What if they go back to hating me?" 

"Literally impossible, they love you." Draco lay next to the younger, pushing him gently to make room. "They were horrible but they're trying to change, which is a bad excuse, but there isn't one."

Which was true, there was no excuse for they how acted and both knew that. Both were insanely guilty and not just after they'd found out Harry was their son. Neither Harry nor Draco would forget any of it, but Harry could forgive and despite what some may think, not just because they were his parents.

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