Q |panic attack|

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*trigger warning ⚠️ anxiety and panic attacks*

-your POV-
You and Chá had been friends ever since high school. You knew she liked to have parties, unlike you who liked to stay home. Tonight she had convinced you to come to her place as she was having a "small get together", which you knew would not be the case, but you went anyways as you hadn't seen Chá in awhile.

-text conversation between you and Chá-

C- tonight at 8, don't be late!
Y- I'll be there don't worry. Also I have a question, is everyone from the show gonna be there? Cause that seems like a lot of people.
C- Maybe, maybe not. I know Q, Sal, Murr, and Joe will be there. Everyone else, eh who knows.

You stared at the text. You hadn't met the guys before, or anyone who worked on the show for that matter. You had however, seen the show Impractical Jokers before and liked it.

Y- ok, I'll be over in a bit, see ya.
C- see ya girl

-end of text messages-

You laid down on your bed and sighed.

"I guess I should find something to wear" you whispered while looking at the clock which read 6:48pm.

You picked yourself up and walked over to your closet. You picked out a black pair of jeans and a white crop top.

"It's nothing big, so nothing spectacular" you thought to yourself.

You walked to the bathroom to change, as you did you saw your bottle of medication on the sink.

You hadn't had a panic attack in over a month. You contemplated taking a pill just in case but decided against it.

"One night, I'll make it one night" you said and proceeded to change into your outfit.

-7:30 pm-

You were in your car headed over to Chás place. It was about a 10 minute drive.

By the time you got there it was 7:45. You walked up to her door and knocked.


You heard her yell from the other side of the door. You smiled a bit as she opened the door.

"Hey girl! Come in! I'm gonna need some help, the guys aren't being that helpful" she said.

I walked in and towards her kitchen where I heard laughter.


You heard someone yell/laugh at Sal.


You heard Sal reply and couldn't help but chuckle a bit as you walked into the kitchen.

Chá walked up next to you.

"Guys! Guys, I've got someone you all should meet. This is y/n, my best friend. Y/n, this is Q, Sal, Murr,and Joe." Chá pointed to each one of the guys as they waved and said hello. You waved back with a slight smile.

"Nice to meet y'all"

"So, we got 15 minutes, I was thinking y/n could think of some songs and get those ready, I'll set out drinks, and you guys can set out food" Chá told us.

"We gotchu don't worry Chá." Joe said as he grabbed bags of chips and walked over to the living room, but tripped and dropped them except one bag. "I told you, I gotchu Chá" he said looking back at us.

You laughed and shook your head as the other guys took food items and walked over to Joe.

"I'll start looking up some songs" you said as you pulled out your phone and sat down at the table.

-45 minutes later-


The songs had been blaring and everyone was having a good time. Even you. During the setup process you and Q had gotten to know each other quite well and hadn't left each other's sides since the party started.

"Having fun?" He asked you.

You nodded, taking a drink of your beer. "You?" You asked.

"Of course, I like parties. I like the atmosphere" he replied.

You smiled and nodded.

As the song ended and the next came on, In My Feelings by Drake, you felt off. Everyone had started to go crazy, singing and dancing everywhere.

As this happened you felt it suddenly hard to breath.

"Oh no. No, no, no" you thought. You looked down at your hands and noticed they had started to shake. Every word you heard was no longer audible.

"No, this hasn't happened in a month. It's not a panic attack." You kept telling yourself.

You had started to hyperventilate and shake more. You put your hand up to your mouth and Motioned to Q you would be outside. You could see on his face that he knew something was wrong.

You saw his lips move as he said something but you couldn't hear what he said, or what anyone said for that matter.

"I-I gotta go" you frantically yelled out, but hadn't realized you did.

You practically ran outside because you felt that the room had started to close in on you.

-Q's pov-

Y/n motioned to me then the door. I could see in her eyes that something was up. Her hands were shaking and she was on the verge of crying.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"I-I gotta go!" She yelled out.

She's not ok.

She ran for the door and I followed her outside. She sat down on the front steps and started to cry. I could tell instantly that this was a panic attack. I quickly sat next to her. I've delt with my fair share of panic attacks so I knew somewhat, how to calm her down.

"Hey you're ok, just breathe ok? In for seven seconds out for seven." I rubbed her back and talked to her.

"In through your nose, out through your mouth and repeat. You're ok honey, you're ok." I repeated to her as she started to slowly calm down. She was still crying and shaking so I put my jacket around her and continued to rub her back as her breathing evened out.

"Do you need anything sweetheart? A water?" I asked her. She kept shaking and nodded. I quickly got up to go and get her a water.

-your POV-

Q went back in to get me a water while I tried to get my breathing under control. My chest still felt tight and I was still shaking but thanks to Q it had gotten better. I gripped the jacket he put around me and shut my eyes, which seemed to help me feel comforted.

"Here honey" He handed me a water bottle as I opened my eyes and I drank some.

I took a deep breath, still quite shaken.

"Thanks Q, I appreciate it" I thanked him and turned to look at him.

"It's no problem, I know how horrible panic attacks are" he replied.

"I should've taken my medication before I got here, it helps control my anxiety but I had been doing ok for a month so I decided not to" I explained to Q.

"It's not your fault, you thought you were good, you're ok now and that's all that matters." Q was a blessing to have around.

I looked at him and he looked at me.

"So, do you wanna go to my place? It's not as loud there. Or we could go to yours if that makes you more comfortable" he asked. I smiled and replied

"Yours sounds perfect"

He took my hand in his.

"Sounds good to me, as long as you're feeling better sweetheart"

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