Murr |surprise announcement|

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You weren't exactly sure how to tell Murr. Earlier that morning you went with your best friend, b/f/n, to get a pregnancy test while Murr was filming with the guys. You and b/f/n headed back to her place where you had taken three tests.

All of them positive.

You stood there, looking down at them, processing the information that another human being was now growing inside of you. You knew Murr eventually wanted kids, but now? How would he take it between filming the show and writing his books?

"Y/n? Are you ok?" B/f/n asked you. You opened the bathroom door and pointed to the three tests on the counter. She looked at them and turned to hug you.

"Oh my god congrats girl! How are you gonna tell Murr?" She asked you.

You thought about it for a second as you pulled away from the hug, "I'm probably just gonna go home tonight and tell him straight up" you looked at your friend. "I mean, we've talked about having kids but he's at a career high and I'm not sure if he wants kids now" You relayed all this information onto b/f/n.

She grabbed the tests and your hand, leading you to her couch. She placed the tests on her coffee table and sat down with you, "I'm sure Murr will be so happy" you nodded.

"I hope so b/f/n, I really do"

Later that night

You got home before Murr and placed the tests in a box under yours and his bed before going to sit on the couch. You heard the door open and looked up from your phone to see Murr.

"Hey babe how was your day?" You asked him

He took off his shoes and sat down next to you, "great, we managed to film two challenges today" he looked at you, "how was yours?"

You fiddled with your fingers and felt your heart racing, "Well um, there's something I have to tell you babe" you held his hand and looked at him. He looked worried.

"Is everything ok?" He asked you, sitting up straight.

You took a deep breath, "today, I found out that uh, I-I'm pregnant" you watched his face as he smiled and hugged you tight.

"Oh my god this is amazing! I'm gonna be a dad? I'm gonna be a dad!" He let go of you and kissed you. You smiled into the kiss. You pulled away and asked him

"How are you gonna tell the guys?"

He thought for a second, "I'll tell them tomorrow, but I have an idea on how to tell the rest of the world."

Four months later

Everyone except the people who watched the show knew you were pregnant and by now, you had started to show. Murr had wanted to tell the world your pregnant via the show, but didn't know how, so the guys called you and asked if you wanted to help with one of their challenges.

"All you have to do is pull off Murray's pants" Q told you over the phone, "just don't tell him, he knows we're filming it but not that you'll be there."

I laughed a bit, "Yeah of course, when do you need me?"

"At the mall in about an hour, thanks y/n"

"Sounds good, I'll see you then"

One hour later

You walked into the mall and met up with Q.

He handed you an earpiece, "put this in your ear and then go hide behind that wall over there, we'll tell you when to come out and stuff. I've gotta go shoot the intro bit"

You took the earpiece and nodded as Q thanked you and walked off to the guys.  You walked over and hid behind the wall. About ten minutes later you heard Q talking to you.

"Alright y/n go on in and get his pants!"

You laughed and started to walk straight to Murr, who was currently trying to get someone to untangle headphones, he looked over at you.

"Oh my god guys!" He said laughing

You overheard Q laughing and talking to the cameras , "we brought in Murrays pregnant girlfriend, y/n. This will be hilarious"

You laughed as you reached Murr who was backing away from you and taking the guy, who had stopped untangling the headphones.

Murr was laughing hysterically and so were you and the guys, "Baby please, give the guy two mo-"

You didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence and pulled off his pants. He stood there in defeat while you and everyone else laughed. He walked over to you and hugged you, giving you a kiss on the forehead.

"Good job honey, good job"

One month later

The episode had aired and everyone had gone crazy over the fact that you were pregnant. Most of the fans were supportive and there were some haters but you didn't care. You had Murr, the guys, and your baby on the way and that's all that mattered.

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